Friday, August 21, 2020


Iowa State professor forced to change syllabus after banning criticism o9f BLM

An English professor at Iowa State University was forced to correct her syllabus after informing her students that they could not submit work that opposes Black Lives Matter, gay marriage, abortion and other social issues, according to a report.

Professor Chloe Clark had told her students that they could not “choose any topic that takes at its base that one side doesn’t deserve the same basic human rights as you do (ie: no arguments against gay marriage, abortion, Black Lives Matter, etc). I take this seriously,” The College Fix reported.

She prefaced her English 250 class syllabus with “GIANT WARNING.”

“Any instance of othering that you participate in intentionally (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, sorophobia, transphobia, classism, mocking of mental health issues, body shaming, etc) in class are grounds for dismissal from the classroom,” said the syllabus, a copy of which was obtained by Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth organization.

The university said in a statement that the syllabus “was inconsistent with the university’s standards and its commitment to the First Amendment rights of students.”

It added: “After reviewing this issue with the faculty member, the syllabus has been corrected to ensure it is consistent with university policy. Moreover, the faculty member is being provided additional information regarding the First Amendment policies of the university.”

The school also said it “does not take disciplinary action against students based on the content or viewpoints expressed in their speech.”

A spokesman for Young America’s Foundation said his group was pleased the university sided with free speech.

“It is hopeful news to see a university take the side of the First Amendment and the free expression rights of its students — still, it is shameful that a faculty member ran so far afoul of basic educational practice and the Constitution that such a retraining of this kind is necessary,” Spencer Brown told The College Fix.

“Based on what we at YAF see and hear from our student activists, many administrators and professors could use a refresher on the First Amendment as the fall semester begins,” he added.

Clark, who has taught at the university since August 2019, did not respond to emails from the news outlet seeking comment.

EDITOR'S NOTE: What a joke. Forcing this far-left prof  to change her syllabus is like telling a first-grader to stand in the corner for five minutes.  Since the university considered the syllabus “inconsistent with the university’s standards and its commitment to the First Amendment rights of students,” they should have fired the bitch.  It's professors like Chloe Clark that indoctrinate students into becoming Portland-like BLM protesters.         

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