Tuesday, August 11, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Senile Joe may announce his (?) VP pick tomorrow, if he remembers who AOC told him he has to nominate is.  Or he might not.  He might still think he is running for the senate and forget that he needs a VP.  Or he might name his wife.  (I think that the Pres and the VP MUST come from different states.)

The nice thing about that timing is that, if he makes a DISASTROUS mistake he can pretend he had a senior moment, got it wrong, and name somebody else at the convention next week.

The Black component of the DNC has already told him (and whoever the actual power is) that, if he doesn't name a Black female, the Blacks will desert him and he will loose.  They are probably right.  If he does not name a liberal psychopath the Bernie Bros will bail on him and he will loose.  If he does nominate a radical Black female the traditional core of the Democrat party may stay at home, and he will loose.  He he changes his mind and names someone who is actually at least marginally qualified by something other than a good tan and the fact that they pee sitting down, EVERYBODY will bail on him and he will be looking at a Dukakis meltdown.

Must be a bitch being the sure winner.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Bob, there's a lot of wishful thinking in your post.  You're putting too much money on that senile shit.  If and when they hold the debates, it will be Biden who may not know where he's at against Trump who states facts that have been proven false and is prone to make ridiculous statements, e.g. ingesting bleach will prevent or cure coronavirus.  On top of that, the moderators will be from the Trump-hating media and will design their questions to favor Biden.

Biden may or not be senile, but on Monday Trump told a press briefing that the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic "probably ended the Second World War, all the soldiers were sick."

The White Obama is not about to lose the black vote, no matter if he picks a white woman to be his running mate.  Just to make sure, the black Obama will be campaigning very hard for Biden.

EVERYBODY will not bail on Biden.  The traditional Democrats hate Trump so much, they are not about to stay home.  If Biden picked a Republican to be his running mate, they would still come out and vote for him.  And the Bernie Bros are not likely to stay home either because to them half a loaf will be better than no loaf at all.

COVID-19 and the economy will determine this election.  And unless Biden has a complete meltdown, right now it looks as though COVID-19 and the economy will be DISASTROUS for the President.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

You are a buzz-kill Howie. And I am not completely sure you are right about the Black vote being 100% glued to the Democraps. In about 85 days or so we will know, unless Trump is right about the mail vote.