Sunday, October 25, 2020


by Bob Walsh

So, will you make a party of it?  Pizza and beer?  Will it be over in one night or take literally weeks and weeks?  Many states now are approaching the point where they have had as many early votes and mail votes where they are close to 50% of the total vote from four years ago.  The conventional wisdom is that means that the voter turnout will be very high.  I have heard estimates of 150 million total votes, some of which may even be legal votes cast by actual citizens.  Four years ago it was a tad over 128 million, which was about 55% of those who COULD have voted had they chosen to register and vote.  

Many people, especially young people, will register but not bother to vote.  Also with the plague going on a lot of students are registered at their school address, but are not at school.  

I am not sure there will be much else to watch on the TV except movie reruns (which is cool).  I will probably watch and hope for a Trump blowout while I suck up Green Death and Pepperoni Pizza, maybe with some crushed Vicodin sprinkled on top..  Not I did not say I EXPECTED a Trump blowout.  I still think there will be a significant closet Trump vote and I hope there is enough to put him over the top.  I just hope we find out by Thanskgiving.

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