Monday, October 07, 2013


“If I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team — even if it had a storied history — that was offending a sizeable group of people, I’d think about changing it.” So spoke President Obama on Saturday, thereby injecting himself into the controversy over the Washington Redskins name.

A number of American Indians have objected to the Washington Redskins name, claiming that it is discriminatory and degrading to Native Americans. Now that certainly is not the intent of that NFL team. Nevertheless, a large number of liberal journalists have sided with the complaining Indians. They point out that no one would dare to name a sports team the Blackskins or the Brownskins.

A number of colleges and universities have dropped names that refer to American Indians and have done away with the mascots related to those names. But that is to be inspected from institutions that are by and large on the far left. That is no reason for the Washington Redskins to do likewise.

I just wonder how many Native Americans are actually upset about Washington using the Redskin name? I’ll bet it is not a majority. Most likely, it’s a small bunch of self-appointed leaders who claim to be talking for all Indians.

And now our great president injects himself in this insignificant political correctness controversy. Doesn’t Obama have more important things to do? How about keeping our country from defaulting on its national debt? That could happen in a couple of weeks, and if it does, that will have devastating consequences for all of us.

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