Thursday, December 10, 2015


Under her breath, Hillary must be saying go Trump go, go Trump go!

The Republicans have a big problem, a really big problem! They have lost the women’s vote because of their stance on abortions and contraceptives. They’ve lost the Hispanic vote because of their stance on immigration and they never had the black vote. That leaves the Republicans with mostly white men. And there aren’t enough white males to secure the presidency for the GOP.

If that wasn’t enough of a dilemma, along comes Donald Trump with his outrageous and bombastic statements on the campaign trail. His latest statement that he would not allow any Muslims to enter this country, including Muslim-Americans returning home from abroad, set off a shitstorm of criticism not only from Democrats, but from his fellow Republicans as well.

The buffoon – oops, I mean tycoon – backtracked somewhat by saying that the entry ban on Muslims would be temporary “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses,” and that it would not apply to Muslim-Americans returning home from abroad, nor to government officials of Muslim countries.

The White House responded by saying Trump was not fit to be president. Tom Brokaw crwled out from under his rock to say, “Trump's statement, even in this season of extremes, is a dangerous proposal that overrides history, the law and the foundation of America itself.” Bokaw compared Trump’s proposal to what we did to the Japanese-Americans by sending them to concentration camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He even went so far as to all but compare Trump to Hitler by referring to the Nazi treatment of the Jews.

A number of my friends like what Trump is saying. They like the fact that the buffoon – oops again, I mean tycoon – is not politically correct. They believe he’s saying what needs to be said. But I suspect they really prefer someone else as the Republican nominee for President.

You never know what The Donald might say next. It wouldn’t surprise me if he calls for an overthrow of the Obama administration which he believes is clueless.

Even if Trump wins the primary vote, there is a chance that during the Republican National Convention, Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz will nonetheless be nominated for the presidency. If that were to happen, Trump would likely run as an Independent, thereby guaranteeing a victory for the Democratic nominee.

Hillary has been blasting Trump at every campaign stop and during every TV interview. But secretly, Hillary has got to love The Donald. I’ll bet that under her breath, she must be saying go Trump go, go Trump go!

If Trump is the Republican nominee or if he runs as an Independent, Hillary is a shoo-in. Hilary would eat The Donald’s lunch during any debate. If Rubio or Cruz were to be nominated, they would give Hillary the Beast a run for her money because they are fresh new faces and have not been part of the Washington scene for long. But without the women’s vote, Jesus Christ running as a Republican probably wouldn’t win.


Anonymous said...

The Donald is a breath of fresh air! He continues to climb in the polls. Finally the people are being heard.

bob walsh said...

There is a belief in some circles that Hillary and the Donald are working together to shitcan the Republican party for the next election. Might even be true, but I sort of doubt it. I think Trump has too big an ego to take a dive.