Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Jackson came to Houston and urged that 2 million Latinos be registered to vote

By Sofia Ojeda and Lea Wilson

July 9. 2018

HOUSTON - Rev. Jesse Jackson, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and several other community leaders came together Monday morning for a roundtable discussion that began with what they called economic injustice in Houston.

Ellis addressed a lawsuit against the Harris County's cash bail system that he and Jackson say keeps poor people behind bars.

He also pushed commissioners court to adopt polices that will give women and minorities a more fair chance to win contracts in Harris County.

Jackson talked about the importance of getting 2 million Latinos registered to vote. He said the vote really does matter for men and women of color and other minorities.

He also talked about the border crisis. Jackson is pushing people to fight for the poor, fight for the children and to fight for an equal playing ground.

"We work so hard to save kids from caves in Thailand, but not from cages in Texas," Jackson said.

FIEL Houston, NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League

EDITOR’S NOTE: Shame, shame on the Anti-Defamation League for associating itself with this anti-Semitic bigot!

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