Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Jackson complained about the effort to save the boys trapped in a Thai cave

In Houston Monday to attend a conference on ‘economic injustice’, Jesse Jackson said:

“We work so hard to save kids from caves in Thailand, but not from cages in Texas.”

Jackson was comparing the kids separated from their illegal immigrant parents and held in detention centers to the 12 boys and their soccer coach trapped deep down in a Thailand cave.

By making that statement, Jackson exposed himself as the lowest of lowlifes.

The kids in the detention centers are well fed, have comfortable beds, bathroom facilities, and get to shoot pool, do video gaming and watch TV.

The kids trapped in that cave were in complete darkness, cold, with no toilets, and they had no food or beds to sleep on. They all would have died had it not been for that gargantuan rescue effort.

And that lying poverty pimp knows damn well the kids in those Texas detention centers are not being held in cages.

Participating in that conference was the Ant-Defamation League, a Jewish organization originally formed to combat anti-Semitism. It is utterly disgusting to me to see the ADL associated with an anti-Semitic bigot like Jackson.

It will take a while for the stench left by Jackson in Houston to dissipate.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Jesse Jackson is the worst sort of self-aggrandizing asswipe. And on top of that he does not WANT to solve the problems of racism, as it would put him out of a very lucrative job.