Saturday, March 30, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Gavin Newsom, governor of the formerly great state of California, is indeed a fucking moron. He is about to launch on his first out-of-the-country travel as Governor, on a "fact-finding" trip, to El Salvador. He wants to find out why people in Latin America are migrating to the U. S. in general and California in particular.

It isn't a secret Gavin. In fact it's easy. Where they are now is a shit hole, and it is getting shittier. It is poor, dangerous and their society if strongly stratified making it hard to rise out of the shit.

In the U. S. you get free stuff, even if you are here illegally. CA will give you "free" health care (paid for by citizen-taxpayers) and a "free" immigration lawyer (also paid for by citizen-taxpayers) to fight deportation. You will get tons of public assistance. Your illegal alien kids get to go to a decent school where they probably won't be beat up or raped on the way to or from, and neither they nor you will ever have to learn to speak English. The government will bend over backwards to help you to live here without assimilation. Your "cultural norms" will be respected, even if they include domestic abuse, child sexual abuse or violence against police officers. Anything to make you feel welcome.

Like I said, Gavin Newsom is a fucking moron.


Trey Rusk said...

El Salvador isn't the safest place to visit.

Dave Freeman said...

I think he's Beto's older brother. Sad thing is, these guys win elections. Says as much about the state of out country as it does about them.

bob walsh said...

He will have government funded CA. police body guards.