Saturday, March 30, 2019


The family behind JAB Holding Co, which owns the Keurig Coffee makers and Dr. Pepper, used Jewish slave labor during the Holocaust

I’ve been using Keurig coffee makers ever since they arrived on the market. And I dearly love Dr. peppers which I have been drinking for around 80 years.

Keurig and Dr. Pepper are now owned by the JAB Holding Co. It has just been revealed that the family behind that holding company used Jewish slave labor during the Holocaust.

Holy shit! I guess I’m going to have to trash my Keurig coffee maker and stop drinking Dr. Peppers. It’s a good thing I don’t drink Green Mountain coffee because JAB owns that too.

But wait a minute, Bayer and Chase National Bank also have ties to the Holocaust. I have accounts with Chase and use Bayer products.

Bayer supplied the deadly Zyklon B gas that was used in Nazi death camps to kill Jews and used Jewish slave labor as well. Work them to death or gas them to death.

When other banks refused to do so, Chase aided Hitler’s Third Reich by converting German marks into U.S. dollars between 1936 and 1941.

Among other products, Bayer owns Aleve, Alka-Seltzer, Bayer Aspirin, Claritin, Coppertone, Dr. Scholl’s, MiraLAX and Roundup. I see where Bayer is still killing people who use a lot of Roundup.

Krispy Kreme, Coca-Cola, Volkswagen, Hugo Boss, IBM, Puma and Adidas, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are some other companies that used slave labor during the Nazi regime or were otherwise tied to the Holocaust.

I’ve been taking one Bayer full-dose aspirin a day for some 60 years and I’ve used Alka-Seltzer and MiraLAX too. What am I to do … stop using Bayer products, close my accounts with Chase, trash my coffee maker and stop drinking my beloved Dr. Peppers? Shit no! It’s a little late for me to stop my bad habits.


Trey Rusk said...

Maybe we should all stop wearing cotton. Many American plantations used slaves to pick cotton and make other products. It's history and we can't change it.

bob walsh said...

The people in Egypt who raise cotton probably were't treated that good either. For that matter for all I know they aren't treated that good now. But I REFUSE to give up Dr. Pepper.