Thursday, March 21, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, has announced that New Zealand will ban all "military style assault rifles" and has announced a buy-back scheme to voluntarily take them out of circulation.

Details of the ban have not yet been forthcoming.

I guess when the next shooting happens with a shotgun they will ban them. Then if there is one with a handgun they will ban them. Then if there is a mass murder committed with a sharp screwdriver they will ban them.

There is also talk of requiring armed guards at religious meeting places. I guess they just won't be armed with semi-automatic rifles.

There are many people who would do this in our country if they could. I feel sorry for the dead folks and their families in New Zealand. Many of the Muslims there are legitimate refugees just trying to get along as best as they can. The murderous asshole was not even a New Zealander, he was from Australia.

As I recall there is no death penalty there. I am not even sure that life in prison is a legal option. Sometimes things just suck. I just don't see how making life shitty for honest, law abiding citizens makes it suck less.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

What is an assault rifle? An AR-15 or AK-47? I'm not a fan of the AR platform and never have been. My Ruger Mini 14 Ranch Rifle is just as accurate and just as deadly. I have never had a jam or misfire. Carried it on duty for many years. It's not considered an assault rifle.

New Zealand has just fucked up by making criminals out of their citizens.

Of course this is the country that still has tribes of cannibals. I'd want a rifle too.