Monday, April 15, 2019


by Bob Walsh

This happened on April 3 in Phoenix, AZ. An 11-year old girl was walking to school when an adult male walked up behind her, twisted her arm behind her back and put his hand over her mouth. A witness knocked the man on his ass, pulled a gun and strongly suggested the attacker leave immediately. He did.

The school put out a notice to all parents alerting them of the incident. Strangely, while they mentioned the intervention of the witness they did not mention the gun.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hero and dumb ass at the same time. He should have made a citizen's arrest and held that dangerous asshole for the cops.


Trey Rusk said...

He did just fine. The 11 year old girl's safety was the important thing. He is a hero and doesn't deserve criticism for his action. Good job!

BarkGrowlBite said...

Oh yeah? He let a very dangerous man escape whom he could have held at gunpoint until the cops could take him into custody. Now that man is free to attack his next victim.

bob walsh said...

Had this happened in CA I could understand the rescuer not shooting and not detaining the suspect. I admit that, in Arizona, I am slightly surprised.

Trey Rusk said...

There are a lot of variables that may be in play. How easy is it to Monday morning quarterback?