Friday, August 30, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Like all good commie bastards, Bill de Blasio likes equality, or at least the appearance of equality, so everybody is equally mediocre and miserable.

He has therefore decreed that all gifted and special placement programs and the testing system that supports any such program is now dead. He is also moving to make charter schools as difficult as possible to operate in New York City.

One of the interesting items of fallout from this will be the High School of the Performing Arts, an internationally known public school in New York City. Students who want in MUST AUDITION and must keep up their academic work in addition to whatever performing classes and skills they might have. This program will KILL OFF the audition process. It won't directly kill off the school, but it will certainly turn it into a mediocrity.

It is barely possible that this one item MIGHT generate enough screaming from powerful people in the performance arts that it might kill the whole idea. I am, however, not going to bet any money on it.


Trey Rusk said...

His kid probably couldn't get in.

bob walsh said...

Good point.