Thursday, November 17, 2022


Neither Trump Nor Never Trumpers 
The American Spectator 


bob walsh said...

I do not believe it is IMPOSSIBLE for Trump to win, I just think it will be very, very difficult. There is too strong of a NEVER TRUMP undercurrent out there leaving a very small middle ground in which to win. If he were to put the country and even the party ahead of his own ego he would gracefully withdraw. The Republicans have an EXCELLENT bench. The Democrat-Socialists don't have shit.

That being said, he is going to go for it. That is just who he is.

Dave Freeman said...

It's an interesting question. I am seeing arguments, both for his ability to win, or to be defeated. A win for him in 2024 would be Huge (as he would say). A defeat would be disastrous. Because if the democommies continue to push their destructive agenda......we are sunk.