Monday, May 14, 2007


It's really great to know that money doesn't count for everything to some people. Jeff Ruby, the owner of a swanky steakhouse in Louisville, gave O.J. Simpson and his entourage the heave-ho from his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby.

Simpson and a party of twelve had been seated in the restaurant. Another customer came up to Ruby and was "giddy" about seeing the legally innocent but morallly guilty murderer of his ex-wife Nicole and Ron Goldman. It was then that Ruby asked Simpson to leave. He and his guests left quietly. His lawyer, calling the ouster a publicity stunt, announced that Simpson would not sue Ruby.

Ruby explained that he was sickened by the attention Simpson still gets. "I didn't want to serve him because of my convictions of what he's done to those families (Nicole's and Goldman's). The way he continues to torture the lives of those families with his behavior, attitude and conduct." Ruby did not want to experience the attention Simpson was getting in the steakhouse, saying that it "makes me sick to my stomach."

Jeff Ruby gets my vote for Restaurateur of the Year. Can you imagine how much he would have made had he served Simpson's party of twelve? How many other restaurateurs would have sacrificed a large sum of money like that? And what does it say about the people who make up Simpson's entourage? To me, they're nothing but a bunch of pukes who have no shame.

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