Monday, December 05, 2011


I have written several times in my belief that unless the economy takes another bad downturn in 2012, President Obama will be reelected to a second term.

There just isn’t a good Republican candidate to take on the president. If Mitt ‘All Sides’ Romney is the Republican candidate, he will get clobbered for the political expediency changes of his positions on global warming, abortion, immigration and gay rights, and I’m sure the media and the Obama campaign will find additional contradictory positions he has taken. And Obama will also blame the Republicans for the Congressional gridlock that is infuriating the American people.

On Sunday’s ABC This Week, a panel discussion ensued on Ron Paul’s campaign and the possibility that if he doesn’t win the Republican primary, he will run as an independent in 2012. The four panelists agreed that Paul’s supporters are passionately dedicated to his election.

George Will thinks there is a good chance that Ron Paul will run as a third party candidate and noted that he “has the infrastructure in place to reelect Obama.”

I agree with George Will. If Paul does run as a third party candidate, he will almost certainly guarantee the reelection of Obama to a second term, the state of the economy notwithstanding.


Geriatrix said...

Does Obama deserve a second chance? If,not, who's next? I don't see a suitable alternative. Also, would it be wise to change the leader in the midst of economic turmoil?

BarkGrowlBite said...

That's the problem. So far, none of the current Republican candidates are impressive enough to beat Obama.

I think it would be very wise to defeat Obama. It wouldn't hurt the state of our economy one bit. It might actually improve it.