Thursday, March 08, 2012


Unless you live some place where there is no television, you’ve seen the You Tube video of Tommy Jordan shooting his 15-year-old daughter’s laptop computer with a .45 caliber automatic after she had written an expletive-filled Facebook rant accusing her parents of making her do too many chores.

Dr. Phil McGraw reacted to Jordan’s laptop-killing episode by saying, “You never, ever humiliate your child publically.”

Jordan shot back (verbally) at Dr. Phil by calling him a hypocrite and saying, “You do realize that, not all but a large majority of the premise of your show is you bringing troubled kids on and troubled teens, parents and all age groups and publically humiliating them in front of the entire world for profit, right?”

Someone - Tommy Jordan - has finally put Dr. Phil in his rightful place. Hallelujah!

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Oprah will get you for this Howie.