Sunday, September 14, 2014


Connecticut mass rapist-murderer claims to be an Orthodox Jew and is suing the Department of Corrections for depriving him of kosher food

Right from the get-go let me say this: Steven Hayes is about as much a Jew as Osama bin Laden was.

On July 23, 2007, Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky broke in the Cheshire, Connecticut home of Dr. William Petit Jr. where they killed Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her children, Michaela, 11, and Hayley, 17. Hayes sexually assaulted and strangled Dr. Petit’s wife. Komisarjevsky, sexually assaulted Michaela. The house was set on fire, and the two girls, who were tied to their beds, died of smoke inhalation. Dr. Petit was severely beaten but managed to escape and survived to identify the two scumbags.

Hayes and Komisarjevsky are among the few murderers that have been sentenced to death in the liberal death penalty-aversion state of Connecticut.

Hayes is gaming the system by claiming that he is an Orthodox Jew and, as such, is required by his religion to eat only kosher food. Because his death row meals have not been kosher, he has filed a federal lawsuit against the Connecticut Department of Corrections claiming that he is being deprived of his First Amendment rights to freedom of religion. He filed the lawsuit in his own behalf and that of all Jewish inmates in the state prison system.

In his lawsuit Hayes says, “This continuous denial of a kosher diet is a clear violation of my First Amendment right to freely practice my religion of choice, Judaism.” He also argues that denying him kosher food is a violation of his Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment because he is forced to eat non-kosher meals in order to survive.

The ersatz Jew wants a court trial and is seeking an immediate injunction forcing the corrections department to provide pre-packaged kosher meals to all Jewish prisoners. Hayes is also asking for $15,000 in punitive and compensatory damages for “intentional infliction of pain, suffering and resulting weight loss from the deliberate denial of a kosher diet.”

This is one of the phoniest inmate lawsuit ever filed. Let me repeat: Steven Hayes is about as much a Jew as Osama bin Laden was. For what he did to Dr. Petit’s family, Hayes does not deserve anything more than bread and water. And even if he is Jewish, which I am sure he is not, he does not deserve any kosher food. Fuck that rotten piece of shit!

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