Wednesday, June 03, 2015


The Unconventional Gazette
June 3, 2015

There were five passengers on an airplane about to crash. The problem was that there were only four parachutes.

Kim Kardashian, the first passenger, said, “I have my own reality show and I am the smartest and most beautiful woman on TV, so Americans don’t want me to die.” She took a pack and jumped out of the plane.

Then the Rev. Al Sharpton stood up and said, “I am the leader of all the disadvantaged people of color and President Obama always calls on me for advice on matters of race.” He grabbed another pack and jumped out.

Barack Obama then said, I am the President of the United States and I am the smartest president ever in the history of our country. Some even refer to me as the ‘Anointed One.’” So he snatched the pack lying next to him and jumped out.

That left the Rev. Billy Graham and a 10-year-old schoolgirl on the doomed plane.

Billy Graham turned to the girl and said, “I am old and in poor health. You are young and have a long life ahead of you. I have served my God to the best of my ability. I will gladly sacrifice my life by letting you have the last parachute.”

The little girl then grinned and said, “That’s okay Mr. Graham, there’s another parachute left for you. America’s smartest president ever put on my school backpack.”

1 comment:

Alien said...

Please help us aliens (aka non-Americans) understand why President Obama calls himself a 'black' man. President Obama had a black father from Nigeria and a white mother from Kansas. For this reason, President Obama should call himself a 'brown' man. Black and White = Brown! Am I right or am I right?