Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Two beheadings on Monday bring the total executions by the Saudis so far this year to 100

According to the Saudi Press Agency, Ismael al-Tawm, a Syrian, was beheaded Monday in the northern region of Jawf for smuggling "a large amount of banned amphetamine pills into the kingdom."

Also on Monday, Rami al-Khaldi, a Saudi national, was beheaded in the western province of Taef for stabbing another Saudi to death.

The two beheadings bring the total Saudi executions so far this year to 100. According to AFP, in all of last year there were ‘only’ 87 beheadings in Saudi Arabia.

According to Amnesty International, the record year for executions in the Saudi kingdom was 1995 when a total of 192 heads were sent rolling.

It was just last month that Saudi Arabia advertised for eight new executioners to carry out public beheadings. Since no experience was required, I suspect all of those positions have been filled by now.

100 heads rolled so far this year? Texas, eat your heart out!

And California? With 750 condemned inmates roosting endlessly on its death row, California voters who favor the death penalty should elect King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud as their next governor.

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