Saturday, June 06, 2015


If you think I’ve been studying history and dug up a little known fact about Giacomo Casanova, the 18th Century famous Italian lover, you are wrong. I am referring to Salvador Casanova, 50, of Houston.

Salvador is known to his neighbors as ‘Candyman’ because he sold candy from his apartment. But that’s not the only thing he was doing there.

On Tuesday, a seven-year-old girl went to Casanova’s apartment to purchase some candy. Police say that instead of selling her candy, Salvador sexually assaulted the little girl.

Afterwards, the child ran home and told her mother what happened. Mom called the cops.

When the cops arrived, Casanova was no longer at his apartment. However, the police found him hiding behind a commercial trash dumpster at the apartment complex.

Salvador is roosting in the Harris County jail, charged wit aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of 14. Bond is set at $30,000.

Now his neighbors worry that Casanova may have molested other children.

As for the famous Giacomo Casanova, for all we know, he might have been a child molester too.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

That bond sure seems lite to me under the circumstances.