Thursday, March 31, 2016


Attempts to commit political harakiri may have finally come to fruition by his interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews

How many times can Donald Trump shoot himself in the foot without blowing it completely away? How many times can he fall on his own sword without succeeding at political harakiri? This week The Donald finally proved that he is a politically suicidal whacko … twice!

On Wednesday, during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Trump said he was pro-life and that if Congress passes a law outlawing the procedure, women should be punished if they get an abortion.

During a town hall meeting on Tuesday night, Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Japan and South Korea should be allowed to have nuclear weapons to defend themselves against North Korea and China. Then he went further than that by saying that Saudi Arabia should also be allowed to have nuclear weapons

What a whacko!

Trump had already alienated most women by a number of sexist comments, but his abortion remark will probably leave him with only a handful of women supporters, mainly those within his family. He succeeded, for the moment, in uniting both the far left and the far right. Both pro-choice and pro-life groups condemned Trump’s idea of punishing women for getting abortions. Both Ted Cruz and John Kasich condemned him for advocating that women be punished for getting an abortion.

Seeing that Trump’s abortion gaffe had infuriated conservatives as well as liberals, his campaign quickly released a statement saying that he meant doctors should be punished when they perform an abortion. Nice try, but it’s too late to repair the damage.

So Trump is pro-life. Yeah right. In 1999 Trump appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and told Tim Russert that he was “very pro-choice” and even approved of partial-birth abortions. Now he tries to explain his turnaround by saying he has evolved. What a phony!

As for those nukes, Japan will let hell freeze over before even thinking about acquiring nuclear weapons. Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Letting Saudi Arabia acquire nukes? How whacko can you get?

I believe Trump’s attempts at political harakiri have finally succeeded and he will not be the Republican nominee for president. But if the Republicans are so whacko as to revive The Whacko Donald, Hillary will win by a landslide and the Senate will once again have a Democratic majority.

In the past I have said that if the election is between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for The Donald, but I would be holding my nose and a barf bag while doing so. If Trump somehow manages to survive this week’s whacko remarks and it’s between him and the Clinton bitch, I’ll do something I’ve never done since I became old enough to vote … stay home.


Anonymous said...

MSNBC? and you call Trump a whacko?

BarkGrowlBite said...

MSNBC? So what! He said what he said. It looks as though you'd only believe it if he had said it on Fox.

Wake up! You're backing a whacko who has no chance of beating that bitch, Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Whoa Partner!

Who in the hell would believe anything on MSNBC after it was shown they twisted stories to fit their own agenda for years. He may of said it, but it should have been quoted from a credible source. Your liberal slip is showing! Just mentioning MSNBC as a source is embarrassing.

Why is the GOP and everyone in Washington trying to keep him out? Are they afraid of being exposed. They have neglected the will of the people for years. They have lined their own pockets. Trump is telling the truth on everything. He may not be able to do all that he is campaigning about, but it will be a good start.

Hell I even bought a hat from Trump Plaza! Trump stands for the American people, not special interests. He is not P.C. I like that. I would rather be known for having backed Trump for change than for not doing anything but bad mouth him. I read that you claim no P.C. on your blog? By the way, I watch PBS News. I consider Fox News entertainment.

Remember, If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

bob walsh said...

For some reason or other Trump supporters don't seem to care WHAT he says. They either support him or they don't. It just doesn't matter.

One thing for sure, the Republican convention will be VERY interesting this year. Depending on what happens with the FBI the Democrat convention may be equally interesting. People might actually watch the damn things.

Anonymous said...

I'm used to being considered stupid by liberals but what's hard to get use too is being considered stupid by Trump supporters simply because I refuse to support him. For the same reason I never voted for Obama I will never vote for Trump, he is a embaressment and a danger to America. The availble candidates to vote for makes me feel the country is circling the drain, a vote for Trump could set us on course for more then another decade of war with many more dead Americans while a vote for the availbe democrats will bankrupt this country. The America I grew up in is on the verge of disappearing and the fault lays at the feet of those who vote their party line without considering the constitution when casting their vote, unless we get back to voting for those who really support the constitution I think America really is in trouble...

BarkGrowlBite said...

Anon 9:42

Whoa partner, don't imply that I am a liberal.

Much of what you say is true, but that doesn't change the fact that Trump is a whacko, and the last thing we need is a whacko president. Anon 12:38 is spot on.

I suspect that many, if not most, of Trump's supporters watch Duck Dynasty as their favorite TV show and would be thrilled if he chose Phil Robertson as his running mate.

If Trump turns out to be the nominee, he cannot count on many of his supporters to turn out on election day. They'll be too busy downing a brewsky or two or three. He's lost the crucial women's vote. He's lost the Latinos. He's never had the blacks. That leaves Trump only with white males, mostly burn-outs like me, and I ain't voting for him or Hillary. I'll be having a brewsky or two or three instead.

Anonymous said...

I might join you.

Anonymous said...

Phil Robertson for President! Said no one ever.