Saturday, August 15, 2020


Hillary Clinton says she's 'ready' to serve in a Biden administration: Former Secretary of State and defeated 2016 candidate hints at a return to D.C. if Joe wins in 2020 'to fix the US'


Daily Mail 

August 14, 2020


Hillary Clinton on Thursday said if she's called to serve in the potential Biden administration that she's 'ready to help' fix the United States. 


The former 2016 Democratic presidential candidate was speaking during The 19th Represents Summit when she made the remarks. 


'I'm ready to help in any way I can because I think this will be a moment where every American - I don't care what party you are, I don't care what age, race, gender, I don't care - every American should want to fix our country,' Clinton said. 'So if you're asked to serve, you should certainly consider that,' she added.


EDITOR'S NOTE:  Biden and Harris is bad enough.  We sure as hell don't need the Hildebeast added to the mix!  Instead of fixing the US, she would be fucking the US. 

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Maybe he needs somebody to clean up after his dog. If he doesn't have a dog, maybe he will get one. Maybe she can clean up after Joe once he starts shitting on the lawn.