Friday, August 14, 2020


by Bob Walsh

I watched most, though not all, of the Joe Kamal (Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) show today.  It started about 2 hours late.  I am told it is because at first Joe got lost and then everytime he walked thru a door he would turn left and unzip his pants.  He kept thinking he was in the latrine and he had to pee.  They were afraid he would piss in the lecture on national TV.  

They did manage to demonstrate that Joe The Hairsniffer CAN INDEED put coherent three sentences together into a cogent paragraph, as long as he has a script and a teleprompter and has peed recently.  Kamala demonstrated she is the consumate politician-whore with no core values who can change directions 180 degrees with a straight face and no conscience whatsoever.

Now all that is left is for the Republicans to wave her liberal statements and actions vigorously in the air for all to see and hear, and hope the general public pays attention. 


Dave Freeman said...

You've got a lot more faith in the general public than I do Bob.

bob walsh said...

Maybe just wishful thinking, mixed with three cans of Green Death and two percocet.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Guys, what the public has is a candidate who doesn't know where he's at and can't tell the difference between his wife and his sister running against a candidate who suggests ingesting crapper cleaner to prevent or cure COVID-19 and can't tell the difference between WW1 and WW2.