Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Trump or Biden: Who Would Israelis Vote For?


Israel Today

October 19, 2020


For decades already support for Israel has been one of the top election issues when Americans go to the polls to choose their next president. And this year, it’s more of a hot topic than ever before.

Given American electoral focus on Israel, it’s little wonder that Israelis, too, are glued to the race for the White House.

We all know that an overwhelming majority of American Jews vote Democrat, and will choose Joe Biden over Donald Trump next month.

But how would Jews in the Jewish state vote, given the opportunity?

Israel’s mainstream media typically conducts numerous surveys asking just that question in the run-up to the US election. One such survey was taken last week, and found that:

  • A firm 63.3 percent majority of Israelis would vote for Donald Trump;
  • Just 18.8 percent said they’d choose Joe Biden; while
  • 10.4 percent said it didn’t really matter who sits in the Oval Office.

More than half of Israelis (50.9 percent) warned that US-Israel relations would be harmed if Biden wins. They worry that he is cut from the same cloth as Barack Obama, whom most Israelis consider to be the most anti-Israel president in American history.

Nearly half of the Israeli respondents (48.2 percent) said that it was a mistake for American Jews to continue backing the Democratic Party.

Of course, Israeli Jews are looking at the election through the lens of a single foreign policy issue – support for their country. American Jews, on the other hand, tend to be more concerned with domestic policies, and are largely convinced that support for Israel remains a bipartisan matter.

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