Tuesday, October 20, 2020


That Being Will Joe Biden Support Packing The Supreme Court

by Bob Walsh

Joe The Hairsniffer backed away under pressure on his statement that the public didn't need to know what his position on packing the Supreme Court was.  He has now allowed that (depending on what happens with the ACB nomination in the pipeline) he will let the public know what his position is before the election.

I am guessing that means if the evil rotten bastard Republicans do perform their constitutional duty, act on the president's nomination and put her on the court he WILL support court packing, and if they don't he won't, or at least wants the Republicans do think so.  That is the problem with giving in to blackmailers  They pretty much always want just a tad more, then just a tad more, then just a tad more, ad infinitum.  

The way to deal with blackmailers is to tell them to pound sand, then gutshoot them the first chance you get.
EDITOR'S NOTE: If they're going to pack SCOTUS, they should have 50 justices, one from each state.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Shouldn't American Samoa get one too?