Sunday, November 22, 2020


Trump 'wants to END birthright citizenship before he leaves office': President could strip immigration rights from US-born babies as administration pushes bold policies in his final weeks


Daily Mail

November 21, 2020


President Trump is reportedly considering signing an executive order ending birthright citizenship before he leaves the Oval Office. 

On Friday, various sources told The Hill that members of the Trump Administration have been discussing the issue with increasing frequency. They are hoping to push the President into taking action before Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20. 

Under current law, all babies born in United States are automatically granted citizenship, regardless of whether or not their parents are American. 

An executive order signed by President Trump would likely put an end to such legal protections.

The Trump Administrations declined to comment specifically on the issue when approached by The Hill. Instead, White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere issued a statement saying: 'Since taking office, President Trump has never shied away from using his lawful executive authority to advance bold policies and fulfill the promises he made to the American people.' 

Some constitutional scholars say any executive order Trump signs on the issue would not hold up under the law. They argue that birthright citizenship is protected under the 14th Amendment. 

EDITOR'S NOTE: Birthright citizenship arises from the first part of the Citizenship Clause introduced by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (adopted July 9, 1868), which states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I agree with you on this one Howie. Of course I think it SHOULD be changed, but it can not be done via executive action. It would require a constitutional amendment, which is not impossible but would be difficult with the prevailing zeitgeist.