Published by an old curmudgeon who came to America in 1936 as a refugee from Nazi Germany and proudly served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He is a former law enforcement officer and a retired professor of criminal justice who, in 1970, founded the Texas Narcotic Officers Association. BarkGrowlBite refuses to be politically correct.
(Copyrighted articles are reproduced in accordance with the copyright laws of the U.S. Code, Title 17, Section 107.)
Biden is 'furious at aides repeatedly walking back his gaffes and
undermining his credibility': Joe is also 'angry at staff for dire polls
and has to remind them he is President'
By Elizabeth Elkind
Daily Mail
May 31, 2022
President Joe Biden is
furious with aides constantly walking back his 'off-the-cuff' comments,
the rolling negative media coverage and the lack of Democrats rushing
to defend him, according to a damning report of his administration
published on Tuesday.
Biden believes
his credibility is damaged by staffers when they correct his so-called
'gaffes', which reached boiling point in March when he said Vladimir
Putin 'cannot remain in power,' NBC News reported.
is also 'twisted' and 'mystified' by the fact that he is trailing by
Donald Trump in the polls - as his approval ratings struggle to get
above 40 percent - and has to remind those in his inner circle he is
Biden was also not told
about the current baby formula shortage until just this month, despite
economics experts claiming it had been building up to the crisis point
for up to a year, according to the extensive report.
It's the latest supply crisis that Republicans and other Biden critics have been knocking him over for not being quicker to act.
also suggests the Biden administration is headed for yet another staff
shake-up, with Chief of Staff Ron Klain - known for putting up a
vociferous defense of his boss on Twitter - expected to leave after
November's midterm elections.
search for a potent midterm strategy to help Democrats keep their
razor-thin control of Congress is also reportedly gaining urgency, even
as the president grows more unpopular in the polls.
shares the view that we haven’t landed on a winning midterm
message...And he’s putting a lot of pressure on people to figure out
what that is,' an unnamed White House adviser told NBC.
House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, a close ally
of Biden's whose endorsement helped the president clinch his 2020
primary race, conceded the president's struggles.
don’t know what’s required here,' Clyburn said. 'But I do know the poll
numbers have been stuck where they are for far too long.'
author who is writing a book about the current administration, Chris
Whipple, conceded Biden had come to office with 'most daunting set of
challenges arguably since Franklin D. Roosevelt, only to then be hit by a
perfect storm of crises, from Ukraine to inflation to the supply chain
to baby formula.'
But Tuesday's report still paints a
picture of a commander-in-chief who appeared to have thought his decades
of experience in the Senate would have given him an edge only to be
left struggling with back-to-back public relations crises.
president also reportedly griped to aides about the amount of negative
coverage he's received and the lack of Democrats on television defending
But he's also complained about
the way aides treat his public comments, the report claims, particularly
ad-libbed statements that cause a stir in the headlines and they've
been forced to walk back.
He reportedly
thinks repeat corrections undermine his stature. One recent instance is
highlighted in which an impassioned Biden said, after meeting with
Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russia's invasion, that Russian President
Vladimir Putin 'cannot remain in power.'
administration officials right up to State Secretary Antony Blinken
immediately leapt to say the president was not calling for regime change
in Russia.
'Biden was furious that his
remarks were being seen as unreliable, arguing that he speaks genuinely
and reminding his staff that he’s the one who is president,' NBC's
report states.
The president was also reportedly
angered that he was only told about the baby formula shortage this
month - despite economists warning of the looming threat earlier
A White House official told the outlet: 'We don’t say anything that the president doesn’t want us to say.'
deputy press secretary Andrew Bates also weighed in on Tuesday morning,
pointing out on Twitter that 'No comments elaborating on POTUS remarks
are given without his expressed approval.'
is also particularly sensitive over his low approval rating, which has
been sinking below his disapproval numbers since the American military's
evacuation of Afghanistan in August 2021.
'He’s now lower than Trump, and he’s really twisted about it,' someone close to the administration said.
president is backed by 40.7 percent of Americans as of Tuesday while
54.1 percent disapprove, according to FiveThirtyEight's average of
multiple recent polls.
That's now lower than every one of his predecessors at this point in their terms since the end of World War II.
who had long been an exception to that benchmark, now appears to have
surpassed his Democrat rival. The ex-president's approval rating was
41.6 percent at this point in his tenure, slightly above Biden's.
And despite
declaring late last year, 'I don’t look at the polls,' one person
mentioned in the Tuesday report claimed that the president actually gets
weekly briefings on where he stands with 'key demographics' - and
another said he was reportedly baffled to be sliding back with suburban
woman who were critical to his 2020 victory.
White House official denied Biden's vexation with the polls, claiming
instead that 'What he’s pushing for is to make a sharper case for all
that we have accomplished thus far.'
among the biggest changes Biden could be faced with next is finding a
new Chief of Staff - with Klain's reportedly planned departure window
coming out weeks after Press Secretary Jen Psaki left her role and
joined left-wing network MSNBC.
person cited in the report claims to have heard Klain discuss leaving,
but senior White House communications adviser Remi Yamamoto said on the
record: 'As Ron has said publicly, he has not set a time frame, and this
is not a discussion on the top of anyone’s mind here.'
replacements could be Biden confidante Anita Dunn, White House
counselor Steve Ricchetti or domestic policy director Susan Rice.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who lost his re-election bid last
year to Republican Glenn Youngkin, also reportedly spoke to the White
House about a senior role in the administration after his defeat last
'I'm scaring kids straight': Florida sheriff who perp walked
10-year-old boy for joking about buying AR-15s after Texas shooting has
done the same to at least eight other kids under the age of 18
Daily Mail
May 31, 2022
Lee County Sheriff Carmine
Marceno, whose detectives perp-walked a 10-year-old boy and published
his mugshot for allegedly threatening a mass shooting at his elementary
school, says the public disgrace is scaring kids straight
The Florida
sheriff whose detectives perp-walked a 10-year-old boy and published
his mugshot for allegedly threatening a mass shooting at his elementary
school says the public disgrace is scaring kids straight.
vast majority of parents come forward and tell me: "Thank you for doing
that. My child is now afraid of the consequences,"' Lee County Sheriff
Carmine Marceno told on Tuesday. 'It is changing the way
we behave. It’s changing the way children think.'
who touts himself as the state's 'law and order sheriff,' made an
example of Daniel Issac Marquez, 10, after he sent a slew of text
messages featuring pictures of assault style rifles and a written threat
that said 'get ready.'
Daniel Marquez, shown here be walked out of a Lee County Sheriff's office, was described as 'sickening' the sheriff
Daniel Marquez, 10, (pictured)
was arrested and charged on Saturday with making a threat to commit as
mass shooting. His mugshot and video of the arrest were released shortly
afterwards. Marceno, who has repeatedly said that a 'fake threat'
equates to 'real consequences,' said he will continue to release
juvenile mugshots because doing so ensures safety and teaches that
committing an 'adult felony' results in punishment
boy was arrested and charged on Saturday with making a threat to commit
as mass shooting. His mugshot and video of the arrest were released
shortly afterwards.
The sheriff, who
has repeatedly said that a 'fake threat' equates to 'real consequences,'
said he will continue to release juvenile mugshots because doing so
ensures safety and teaches that committing an 'adult felony' results in
'The last thing we want to do ever is put a 10-year-old or child in
handcuffs, that's not what we want,' he explained. 'But, we have to do
our job and we have to make certain child safety is number.'
These are the mugshots of eight juvenile offenders that have been publicly ousted by Lee County officials
Lee County, where Marceno serves as sheriff, is no stranger to
publicizing the crimes of children. The county has shared at least nine
juvenile mugshots in recent years.
We have a ten-year-old, a fifth-grader,
that sends text messages that circulate. Pictures of wads of money.
Pictures of rifles and written threats after that,' Marceno said of the
text during his interview Tuesday with
threatening text was sent to another child and was forwarded on. The
recipient's parents then texted Marceno, prompting the investigation.
immediately, not waiting one second, investigate that. All hands of
deck. Child safety is number one,' the sheriff, whose county is home to
118 schools and more than 100,000 students, explained, adding: 'That
every threat is real until proven otherwise.'
'We know as children, we're going to make mistakes. I understand that - a
10-year-old's brain is not fully developed like someone who is 35 years
old. But, at the same token, when you commit an adult felony we cannot
overlook that.'
The research was conducted by experts operating with the Regina Apostolorum, a Vatican-approved religious university in Rome
Exorcists in the Catholic
Church allege they are burned out because they are burdened with
performing exorcisms with minimal assistance and a limited number of
exorcists. According to The Times,
research conducted by experts operating with the Regina Apostolorum, a
Vatican-approved religious university in Rome, found that Italian
exorcists were overstressed and gained very little assistance from their
bishops while dealing with long lines of Catholics professing satanic
The Times claimed that Italian exorcists spoke to researchers during Regina Apostolorum's 16th annual exorcism course in Rome, which drew 120 people. Due to Pope Francis'
conviction in exorcism, interest in an exorcism course has lately
risen, with 120 people enrolling this year. According to the Independent,
he has already spoken of assisting persons who are "possessed by evil"
and has made exorcism an official Catholic discipline. Priests stated
they require psychiatrists' help to distinguish between persons who are
mentally ill and those who are possessed. They witness 30 to 50
instances every day. They were also required to perform exorcisms on
those who tested positive for Covid-19
and were purportedly possessed by evil. According to the poll, Italy
has a minimum of 290 exorcists, with 37 in Spain, 16 in England and
Wales, nine in Ireland, and three in Scotland.
According to the report, Italy has 290 exorcists and Spain has 37.
Unusual physical strength, vomiting, or a sudden ability to speak Latin,
Hebrew, or Aramaic, according to conference participants, are signs of
demonic possession. According to experts, "Many of the potentially
possessed people they see in Spain have spent time with New Age,
spiritual or meditation groups." There were 28 working exorcists in the
United Kingdom and Ireland, plus a "dedicated office and staff" in
Manila, the Philippines.
Pope Francis rides his Pope mobile
through a crowd in Havana on September 22, 2015
Father Pedro Barrajon, a Spanish priest and theology professor, said
the training assists in the recruitment of much-needed exorcists who are
more able to deal with the demon.
"Costa Rica didn’t have a single exorcist and last year they named
their first one," he told the outlet. "Manila in the Philippines now
have a dedicated office and team. It used to be like the Wild West out
there, but the quality is going up and we are seeing more cooperation
with psychologists. Exorcism always arouses interest because of films
about it, but the truth is these priests need to be trained."
Father Giuseppe Bernardi claimed to have performed a nine-hour
exorcism on a lady who spewed abuse in Latin and attacked monks.
According to the Journal of Vicenza, the woman's father believed she had
"a psychiatric problem." However, the mother, and subsequently
Bernardi, felt she was under the power of a demonic force. According to
The Times, Bernardi claimed he had to seek the advice of psychiatrists
to ascertain whether she was disturbed or possessed, but he did it
without the support of the church. According to The New York Times, the
lack of support from bishops is a common complaint among exorcists
Upon returning to DC from Uvalde, Biden held an impromptu unscripted press conference during which he said "A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body. So, the idea
of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it."
President Joe Biden returned from a visit to the site of the school shooting in Uvalde,
Texas and spoke to reporters on the aftermath of the deadly massacre at
the Robb Elementary School. The president may have committed another
gaffe when he appeared to confuse the different types of bullets used by
semiautomatic handguns and military-style assault rifles.
In a gun-related gaffe Biden claimed that 9mm guns are "high caliber
weapons" that can blow a person's lung out of their body. Recalling a
visit to a New York trauma hospital, Biden said doctors showed him X-rays of gunshot wounds, and "They said a .22-caliber bullet
will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to
get it and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,"
Biden said. "So, the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s
simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection, hunting,"
Biden added. "Remember, the constitution was never absolute." "You
couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed," Biden said.
"You couldn’t go out and purchase a lot of weaponry." Salvador Ramos,
an 18-year-old armed with an AR-15 rifle killed 19 children and two
teachers at the Uvalde elementary school reigniting a political debate
about how the country should act to prevent similar future tragedies.
Robby Starbuck, a congressional candidate shared Biden's video and
wrote, "A 9MM bullet blows the lung out of the body" has to be one of
the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Joe Biden is an imbecile. Why do the
people who know the least about guns want to yap their gums the most
about guns? What part of "Shall NOT be infringed" do they not get?"
"Joe Biden admitted today that he wants to ban the most popular
handgun in America. Sorry communist @JoeBiden but SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
is VERY clear! We aren’t giving you our guns!", he added. "They invent
these horror stories to help sell their gun grabs", Jim Hanson,
Executive Director of America Matters, replied.
The Washington Times
writes, that rounds of 9mm ammunition typically are used in handguns;
most rifles use different rounds. The AR-15 fires a .223-caliber or
5.56x45mm bullet.
While several reports online speak of Biden calling for a ban on
these guns, it is far from what he said. In his remarks, Biden also
appeared to rule out the possibility of taking major executive action on
guns, saying: “I can’t dictate this stuff. I can do the things I’ve
done and any executive action I can take, I’ll continue to take. But I
can’t outlaw a weapon. I can’t, you know, change the background checks. I
can’t do that.”
Biden’s comments came fewer than 48 hours after Vice President Kamala
Harris called for an assault weapons ban after attending a funeral for
Buffalo shooting victim Ruth Whitfield, 86. “You know what an assault
weapon is? You know how an assault weapon was designed?” Harris said
Saturday, May 28. “It was designed for a specific purpose – to kill a
lot of human beings quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war with
no place, no place in a civil society.”
This is not the first time Biden has come after 9mm pistols, a week
after he told voters that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect “a
magazine with a hundred clips in it,” Biden when he was a presidential
candidate in 2020 reportedly spoke about the 9mm pistols. While Biden’s
statement did call out guns that use 9 mm ammunition, he referred to the
high-capacity magazines that sometimes come standard, or are added
onto, those types of guns. A pistol, according to federal regulations,
is a handgun that has its chamber integrated with the barrel.
Many people felt Biden asked for the banning of 9mm weapons as an
infringement on Americans' constitutional rights and began to troll him.
A user wrote, "WTAF? That's the most butt-frakingly stupid statement
from him in a while, and he says a LOT of stupid things! A 9mm bullet
will just make a small hole."
The 9mm round is the most popular handgun caliber in the United
States, accounting for well over half of all handguns produced in 2019,
according to Shooting Industry magazine.
The data showed that throughout the 2010s, 9mm pistols made up more
than 40% of all pistols produced in the United States – or roughly four
in every ten pistols. In 2020, ABC News
reported that "The United States Secret Service is moving forward with
plans to outfit its agents with Glock 9 millimeter (mm) pistols to
replace the agency's existing Sig Sauer .357-caliber duty weapons." The
fact was not lost on social media who trolled Biden asking him about his
own security service. "Ok he can start by having his secret service
giving up theirs," said one social media user. Another asked, "Well what
caliber pistol does the secret service use to protect him?" A third
suggested he "give secret service slingshots."
Video posted to Tik Tok shows
three individuals clearing the shelves of a Los Angeles Sephora as
employees and customers look on, before calmly walking out of the store
A trio of fearless thieves emptied the shelves inside a high-end
makeup store in Los Angeles as stunned shoppers watched in amazement
amid the nation’s ongoing shoplifting crisis, according to a video clip posted online.
The 47-second recording shows the crooks wearing hoodies over their
heads as they grab various cosmetics and stuff them into black trash
“Oh, my God. Oh, my f–king God,” one woman said while recording the heist on her cellphone.
“F–king lowlifes.”
At least two workers stood nearby as the scene played out, then
followed the shoplifters as they scurried toward the exit before calmly
strolling off with their haul.
The caper took place at the Sephora outlet in the Los Cerritos Center
mall around 9 p.m. Saturday and was among several similar incidents
reported there that night, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department told Fox 11 LA.
A Forever 21 store was the first business targeted, followed by the Sephora store, the LASD said.
The video appears to show two men and one woman ransacking the shelves in the store
The thieves filled a trash bag apiece before calmly walking out of the store. It is unclear if they were apprehended
Employees looked on but kept
their distance as the thieves went about their work. The employees could
be seen speaking into their radios as the robbery went down
The thieves strolled calmly out
of the store as the woman filming could be heard saying 'Oh my fucking
god. 'Fucking lowlifes.' The footage comes as shoplifting is surging
across the country
The video was posted Sunday on TikTok
by user @jessleetv, who added text saying, “I was just trying to pick
out concealer then I heard a BANG…..CERRITOS MALL 5/28 at 8:50 PM.”
It quickly went viral, racking up more than 1.4 million views by Monday evening.
The unidentified criminals appear to have been two males and a female,
leading one commenter to say, “Her confidence to do that while wearing
Howard Safir (L) was New York City’s Police Commissioner from 1996 to 2000. Ramos (insert) legally purchased the guns (lower right) he used in the massacre shortly after his 18th birthday
Howard Safir, NYC’s Police Commissioner 1996 to 2000:
“Uvalde’s Salvador Ramos put $2,000 down, filled a voluntary form and
got two legally purchased assault weapons plus 375 rounds of
ammunition. That’s crazy. Mass school shootings since Columbine are
mainly by 18 or younger males — with legally bought weapons of mass
“Federal firearms statute allows citizens to own machine guns. For
this special license individuals must submit two photos, be
fingerprinted, pay a $200 tax and have a local law enforcement agency
certify they can own it. [These machine guns also must’ve been made before 1986.]
“Broken windows, jumping turnstiles, aggressive panhandling, small
crime squeegee guys pretell one’s possibility to commit a larger crime.
Many carried guns. My guys even arrested those who jumped subway
turnstiles. No summons. Took them in, put them in our files,
fingerprinted, photographed them, gave desk appearance tickets. We knew
who they were.
“We deployed plainclothes units in high crime areas. Sent messages
that if you commit a crime you’ll get taken in. Used computerized
statistics to confirm sending resources to high crime areas. Our
specially trained street crime unit did the stop, frisk, search and ask
“It’s about criminals. There’s more guns here than people. Now — no
bail, no jail. We did assertive policing. Seeking out criminals prevents
crime. An atmosphere where criminals are afraid of police — not the
public. In my time they weren’t carrying guns in the street to shoot
innocent people.
“We’re not running out of jails. We’re running out of district
attorneys who’ll put bad people in jails. It’s catch and release. When I
was commissioner, Rikers’ population was 17,000. It’s now like 5,000.
We had Mayor Rudy Giuliani and great DA Robert Morgenthau. Took us years
to get things right in New York — then de Blasio comes and ruins it.
It’s the atmosphere. Bad guys aren’t prosecuted.“
“Assault weapons — being semi-automatic — no special license is
required. Why not reclassify them with the same requirements as machine
guns? Not a ban — just a responsibility.
“The National Firearms Act says citizens can own a machine gun. But
law says you must get fingerprinted, photographed, vetted by a police
organization and pay a $200 tax. Why not assign assault weapons to that
same category? They’re not because they’re semi-automatic instead of
full automatic like machine guns — but just as dangerous.
“The NRA will oppose this or anything that requires gun owners to be
responsible for their actions. But it is time for politicians to
regulate a weapon that — with no legitimate sporting purpose — is
designed only to kill people.
“If the midterms turn around — who controls Congress — we could see a
turn to the center, to the right, and law and order people elected
again. This commissioner doesn’t have the resources — nor the absolute
backing of the new mayor — so it’s not going to happen.”
Fearing Imminent Iranian Attack, Israel Bolsters Air Defenses, Tells Citizens to Leave Turkey
Retribution expected after top Iranian
commander was assassinated; intelligence suggests Iran targeting
Israelis traveling abroad
Israel Today
Iron Dome batteries have been reinforced in the north of Israel in preparation for an expected Iranian attack
Israel is fairly certain that Iran plans to attack very soon. And it
is taking every precaution given the different ways the Islamic Republic
could strike.
The heightened level of alert follows the recent assassination of a
senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander in Tehran.
Israel is believed to be behind the hit.
On Monday, some 100 Israelis currently vacationing or traveling on
business in Turkey received text messages from the Israeli defense
establishment urging them to keep a low profile and return home at the
earliest opportunity.
Specific intelligence suggested Iran would try to either abduct or
kill Israelis traveling abroad. Iranian state media ran a segment
identifying five leading Israeli hi-tech and cyber security figures it
says are “wanted.”
The Iranian retribution could also come from its forces and proxies
in Syria and Lebanon, most likely in the form of surface-to-surface
In preparation, Israel on Monday beefed up its anti-missile defenses in the north of the country, according to Kan News.
The Taylor Force Act bars US funding to the
Palestinians as long as they continue the “pay-for-slay” policy,
rewarding terrorists with financial stipends
Then-US vice president Joseph Biden with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Joe Biden made clear during his campaign that he would restore Palestinian aid cut by his predecessor
as part of an effort to improve relations with the Palestinians. As
president, he wasted no time in approving $290 million in assistance to
the Palestinian Authority and another $150 million to the United Nations
Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). These allocations violate the spirit
if not the letter of the laws designed to make the Palestinians and the
United Nations accountable for undermining the prospects for peace with
Since Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Peace Accords in September
1993 and promised to stop terrorism, at least 54 Americans have been
among the more than 1,600 people murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
Those serving time in Israeli jails have been receiving stipends from
the PA since it passed a law in 2004, providing these killers as much as
$3,400 per month.
For example, American Ari Fuld was stabbed in the back and killed by Khalil Yusef Ali Jabarin
in 2018. Jabarin was convicted in 2020 and became eligible to collect
about $415 a month for the first three years of his sentence from the
PA. During his lifetime in prison, Jabarin can expect to collect tens of
thousands of dollars.
From Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon’s presentation on payments to Palestinian terrorists, May 11, 2017
Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, named for an American
Army veteran who was visiting Israel as a graduate student and was
stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist in Jaffa, barring US funding
to the PA as long as it continues this “pay-for-slay” policy. Aid
continues to flow, however, despite the US State Department
acknowledging that the PA has not terminated payments for acts of
terrorism against Israeli and US citizens. This month, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas reaffirmed his commitment to the “pay-for-slay” policy.
The administration claims it is not violating the law. Even if that
were true, since money is fungible, US taxpayer dollars free up money
for the PA to continue to incentivize and reward terrorism.
In addition, the Consolidated Appropriations Act mandates that
the United States withhold economic assistance from the PA if “the
Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially
authorized investigation, or actively support such an investigation,
that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes
against Palestinians.”
The administration has found a way around this law as well, ignoring
PA calls for ICC investigations into Israeli policies in the West Bank,
eastern Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Last June, PA Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Expatriates Riyad al-Maliki demanded that the new ICC
prosecutor give priority to the cases submitted by the “State of
Palestine” and expedite the opening of the investigations. The PA has
also submitted 60 cases accusing Israel of crimes.
There is no law barring aid to UNRWA; however, Congress has made its
concerns known by requiring the State Department to report whether the
agency is taking steps to ensure the content of educational materials
taught in UNRW-administered schools and summer camps is consistent with
the values of human rights, dignity and tolerance, and does not induce
The Biden administration said it was restoring aid after “UNWRA has
made clear their rock-solid commitments to the United States on the
issues of transparency, accountability, and neutrality in all its
operations. … And what neutrality means in the context of the United
Nations is zero tolerance for racism, discrimination, and antisemitism.”
The United States has continued to fund UNRWA while acknowledging the
agency continues to distribute antisemitic and anti-Israel material. A
report by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in
School Education (IMPACT-se), for example, found that “UNRWA is
complicit in radicalizing schoolchildren through the glorification of
terrorists, encouragement to violence and teaching of blood libels to
Palestinian schoolchildren.” UNRWA maps label all of Israel as
“Palestine,” and Israel is referred to as “The Enemy” or the “Zionist
In 2020, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the
use of such materials, and the United Kingdom and European Union
subsequently cut their contributions to UNRWA.
UNRWA has been a sinkhole for more than $6 billion in US funding
since 1950. This is an agency that was supposed to support Palestinian
(and Jewish) refugees until they could be resettled or repatriated. More
than 70 years later, UNRWA creates refugees, claiming the need to
support 5.7 million Palestinians—more than 10 times the number that was
displaced in 1948-1949. Today, the real number of surviving refugees is
probably less than 20,000 but by defining “refugee” to include
descendants, the number has continued to grow each year.
Thanks in part to US support, UNRWA can incite violence and teach millions of Palestinians to hate Jews and Israel.
Rather than use aid as leverage to encourage reforms, the
administration is rewarding the Palestinians for their intransigence and
underwriting their promotion of terror.
The altar of St. Augustine parish as it appeared before the tabernacle was stolen
A bejeweled tabernacle believed to be worth $2 million was stolen
from a Brooklyn church by godless thieves who also decapitated statues
of angels, cops and church officials said Sunday.
The crooks used
power tools to slice open a steel cabinet at St. Augustine Roman
Catholic Church in Park Slope and swipe the “pure 18-karat gold
tabernacle with jewels” sometime between Thursday and Saturday, police
The tabernacle is believed to date to when the Park Slope
church was built in the 1890s. It held the Holy Eucharist and was only
ever opened during Mass.
The thieves also cut off the heads of angel statues flanking it and left the Eucharist strewn about the altar.
Church officials were horrified by the unholy act.
Thieves used power tools to cut through an altar at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church
“To know that a burglar entered the most sacred space of our
beautiful church and took great pains to cut into a security system is a
heinous act of disrespect,” said the Rev. Frank Tumino, the church’s
The pastor said he came by the Sixth Avenue church at
around 3:50 p.m. Saturday for confession and noticed the doors were
ajar, although the house of worship had been locked since 7 p.m.
Thursday. He went into the sacristy, noticed that items were out of place and called the police.
Then he noticed the missing tabernacle and his heart dropped “right to the pit of my stomach,” he said.
could see that the tabernacle they had been working on, they had been
really well prepared and working on cutting the steel cabinet that
covered it,” Tumino said.
He said the removal of the tabernacle was “very, very violent.”
A statue of an angel had its head removed
“I tend to think and look for the good in all people, so I never
would have known, would have thought” this would happen, he said.
“That being said, I always try to make sure that things are locked and that the church is lit.
believes the culprits broke into the church not through the front door
but by some other means. They exited through the front by breaking its
lock, which was on the inside.
A safe in the sacristy was also
cut open but nothing was inside, church officials said. A DVR containing
surveillance footage was taken.
Tumino said information about
the church and its artifacts was very public. The church is also used
for weddings and other events.
He said many of the police officers who came to investigate the theft were disgusted.
“They equally were horrified,” he said. “I can’t tell you how many of
the officers at varying levels kept on sharing, ‘This is horrendous,
Father. This is so unbelievable.’ That was very encouraging and
heartening. ”
He begged the thieves to bring back the tabernacle.
a human being, I say, ‘You’ve taken away something that is so
beautiful, that has given people beauty among the ugliness of their
lives at times,’ ” Tumino said.
“A sacred thing should not be cut
up and sold. A sacred thing should not be melted down. A sacred thing
should really be protected. And so that would be my greatest hope, that
as it is sacred and has been used for over 100 years for sacred things,
that it would return to sacred use.”
New York State Catholic Action Chairperson James Russell called on the incident to be investigated as a hate crime.
is enough, enough! Yet, again our churches have been desecrated,” he
said in a statement. “We encourage in the strongest terms possible that
if you see something that isn’t right, say something!”
Cobbling together speculation, assumption,
feelings and partisan “experts,” the only thing CNN’s report on Shireen
Abu Akleh’s death proves is that it is no longer a serious news agency
eagerly took the Palestinian narrative surrounding the death of Shireen
Abu Akleh and presented it as "evidence" of Israel's culpability
CNN’s “investigation” of the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh
did not, as it claims, show that Israeli forces intentionally murdered
her. Instead, CNN only showed the world how far the news company has
fallen from serious journalism.
CNN’s incendiary accusation against Israel piles assumptions on top
of assumptions. It relies not so much on objective, incontrovertible
evidence, but on the feelings of biased eyewitnesses. All the while,
plausible alternative explanations are not only cast aside, but
effectively covered up by CNN’s reporting.
These are the acts of a partisan organization, not a serious news agency.
Below are just some of the major shortcomings of the CNN investigation.
Concealing assumptions and caveats
CNN relies on Robert Maher, professor of electrical and
computer engineering at Montana State University and who specializes in
forensic audio analysis, to suggest that the gunfire that killed Abu
Akleh originated at a distance “between 177 and 197 meters.” This, CNN
goes on to claim, “corresponds almost exactly with the Israeli sniper’s
CNN presents Maher’s analysis without including the important
assumptions and caveats that Maher provided elsewhere. For example, in a
separate interview with Bellingcat, Maher explained some of the ways this analysis could be wrong:
“Maher added a note of caution and caveats to these
calculations. ‘The estimate of the distance depends upon the air
temperature, since this affects the speed of sound,’ he said.
“While the calibre of bullet analysed is also consistent with reports
that the bullet which killed Abu Akleh was 5.56mm, it is also important
to note that this calculation does not account for the possibility that
another weapon not visible or captured in videos from the scene could
have been used.
“On top of this, Maher noted that even a slight difference in the
assumed speed of the bullet could result in change to the calculations:
‘Probably the bigger question is my assumption about the bullet’s speed.
If the bullet were travelling at a slower supersonic speed, the
distance estimate would be longer. If the bullet were travelling at a
faster supersonic speed, the distance estimate would be shorter.’”
Nowhere, in either the CNN article or the TV segment, were these important qualifications provided.
Moreover, there are important questions that CNN never addresses. For
example, the article states: “The video that Maher analyzed captures
two volleys of gunfire; eyewitnesses say Abu Akleh was hit in the second
barrage….” Did Maher also provide an analysis of the gunfire from the
first barrage? If so, was it consistent with his analysis of the second
barrage? This is important information left out of CNN’s reporting that
would help clarify whether there may or may not have been gunfire from a
different source.
This is particularly important considering a claim in the TV segment
where CNN states that Palestinian gunmen were “without a clear line of
fire” towards Abu Akleh. At no point does CNN explain what would have
obscured their line of fire. A map used by CNN places Palestinian gunman
south of the Israeli soldiers on the same, largely straight road which
both the Israeli soldiers and Abu Akleh were also on. While it is
certainly possible that changes in elevation or other obstacles could
have obscured the line of fire from the Palestinian position, CNN simply
does not provide the details necessary to support or challenge the
The map used during the CNN
segment showing the positions of Abu Akleh, the IDF forces, and
Palestinian gunmen (unlabeled, but in the bottom dot)
This is to say nothing of the fact that CNN’s
“investigation” completely ignores the possibility that other
Palestinian gunmen were located elsewhere. After all, exchanges of fire
occurred in multiple locations during the IDF operation. Palestinian
gunmen were seen not just further south down the same road, but also in
alleyways and on rooftops. Instead of acknowledging the possibility that
the gunfire could have come from an entirely different position, CNN
assumes the only Palestinian gunmen present were on the road south of
the Israeli forces.
In addition to asserting that the Palestinian gunmen south of the
Israelis did not have a clear line of fire, CNN also claims they would
have been “beyond the 200-meter reach of the gunfire.”
Realize what CNN is doing here. They leave out the important
qualifications Maher made elsewhere, that the estimate of 177-197 meters
was based on numerous assumptions, and the fire could very easily have
been from a shorter or longer distance if any of those assumptions did
not hold. After failing to inform its audience of this, CNN then states
definitively that Palestinian gunmen more than 200 meters away “were too
far from Abu Akleh to have fired the fatal shot, according to a
firearms expert.” This is only true if every single assumption Maher
made turns out to be correct, but none of which have yet been proven.
By failing to inform viewers and readers of the important assumptions
and caveats of Maher’s analysis, and by failing to support its
conclusions (such as with Palestinian lines of fire) CNN uses broad
strokes to prematurely rule out very plausible alternative explanations.
The “expert”
CNN’s report also relies on an expert by the name of Chris Cobb-Smith.
Cobb-Smith claims that there was “no chance” random fire could result
in the “tight configuration” of the shots that hit a tree next to where
Abu Akleh died. As CNN relays to readers:
“’The number of strike marks on the tree where Shireen
was standing proves this wasn’t a random shot, she was targeted,’
Cobb-Smith told CNN, adding that, in sharp contrast, the majority of
gunfire from Palestinians captured on camera that day were ‘random
Cobb-Smith’s suggestion is that because a “majority” of Palestinian
gunfire captured on camera were “random sprays,” the shots that hit the
tree could not have been Palestinian gunfire. Once again, speculation
and assumptions on top of assumptions. For one, he’s relying solely on
gunfire captured on video, which, of course, does not account for
exchanges of gunfire not caught on video. Worse, even according to
Cobb-Smith’s own statement, not all Palestinian gunfire (his words:
“majority of gunfire”) came in the form of “random sprays.”
So how can Cobb-Smith make this definitive claim?
Now consider Cobb-Smith’s background, which at no point is provided by CNN.
Far from being an impartial expert, Cobb-Smith is from the
notoriously partisan organization Forensic Architecture. His
organization has openly advocated anti-Israel political positions that
have nothing to do with forensics, such as promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.
It’s also the organization that absurdly claimed Israel unlawfully shot a Palestinian man, Ahmed Erekat,
when he rammed a car into an Israeli soldier in 2020, notwithstanding
the clear video of the incident. An individual from an organization
willing to go to such absurd, partisan lengths to accuse Israel of
acting unlawfully can hardly be considered an impartial “expert.” Yet
that is exactly how CNN presents him.
The “witnesses”
CNN failed to provide context on the individuals it was relying on elsewhere, too.
Take Shatha Hanaysha. She has a known history of publicly
celebrating terrorist rocket attacks on Israel and “[w]however
sacrifices his life for the sake of the homeland.” Hanaysha publicly
celebrated the murder of 17-year-old Israeli girl Rina Schnerb,
tweeting: “Maybe this attack would become a model to follow, which would
make ‘recreational hikes’ in the hills and plains of West Bank, an
adventure of undesirable consequences” (as translated by CAMERA Arabic).
In 2018, Hanaysha seemed particularly fond of the terrorist murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach,
tweeting (among other posts): “22 bullets in only 40 seconds within a
range of 20 meters,” followed by a smile emoji and the hashtag “#NablusOperation.” She would go on to tweet repeatedly about the “martyr AhmadJarrar”—the terrorist who killed Rabbi Shevach.
True, even a broken clock is right occasionally, and someone who
celebrates the murder of teenage girls can tell a truth once in a while.
So what evidence did Hanaysha bring to the table for CNN?
Consider this exchange, in which CNN uses her to attempt to establish
their the main claim that the IDF deliberately targeted Abu Akleh:
Hanaysha: “But I think they want to kill us. This is why
they shoot. I don’t have another reason why they shoot. And they know
that we are journalists.”
CNN: “It felt targeted?”
Hanaysha: “Yeah….”
In other words, CNN relied on her mind reading powers and her
feelings. Hanaysha was 200 meters (656 feet) from the IDF soldiers,
according to CNN itself. Even assuming those shots were fired by them,
what evidentiary value is provided by Hanaysha’s claims that she
“thinks” they wanted to kill Abu Akleh?
Consider the other main exchange between a CNN interviewer and Hanaysha:
CNN: “The Israeli government has said that there were also Palestinian gunmen in that area, and that–”
Hanaysha (interrupts): “No”
CNN: “–it could have been either. You were there. What did you see?”
Hanaysha: “I absolutely disagree that there is any Palestinian guy
with his gun. And as a journalist, and as a human, I will not put myself
in a dangerous situation.”
Hanaysha is blatantly lying. Even the CNN segment contains video of
Palestinian gunmen firing in the area—CNN’s own map even shows a
location where Palestinian gunmen were captured on video firing at
Israeli soldiers. Yet CNN never confronts Hanaysha with the evidence the
network had available that directly contradicted her emotional
Another prominent witness is Jamal Huwail. Like Hanaysha,
Huwail is known for glorifying terrorism, including a stabbing attack
that killed four Israelis just two months ago.
Huwail is used in the article for two claims. First, according to
CNN, Huwail “believed the shots were coming from one of the Israeli
vehicles….” Then, quoting Huwail directly: “They were shooting directly
at the journalists.”
There’s a big problem with this. Nowhere does CNN state where Huwail
was at the time Abu Akleh was killed. CNN tells us where he was earlier
in the day (“at the Awdeh roundabout”—down the road from where Abu Akleh
was later killed) when he was chatting with Abu Akleh, but then states,
“The next time he saw her up close, she was dead.”
If Huwail saw Abu Akleh earlier in the day at a different location,
and the only time he saw her again afterwards was after she was already
dead, how does he know the shots came from the Israeli vehicles, and
that they were shooting directly at the journalists?
Relying solely on CNN’s own reporting, there’s no reason to think he would be in any position to make such a claim.
Whether relying on Hanaysha or Huwail, much of the “evidence” of the
IDF “targeting” Abu Akleh seems to rely on people who were 200 meters
(or, in the case of Huwail, perhaps much further) away from the soldiers
and yet seem to believe they know exactly what the Israeli soldiers
were seeing and what was going through their minds at the time.
That’s beyond shoddy journalism.
Consider just the fact that at no point does CNN even establish that
the Israeli soldiers knew there were journalists down the road, let
alone intentionally shot at them.
The evidence it uses for these propositions boils down to mainly the
feelings of two obviously partisan witnesses who were 200 meters (or
more) away from the soldiers. Barring the existence of psionic
abilities, their statements are useless for actual evidentiary purposes.
Instead, they serve only to stir up emotions.
The only other evidence used by CNN to suggest Abu Akleh was
“targeted” is the “analysis” by the partisan Cobb-Smith who fails to
adequately explain how he can rule out the source of fire being from
Palestinian gunmen.
Cobbling together speculation, assumptions, mind reading witnesses
and partisan “experts,” CNN falls far short of proving the serious
allegation that Israeli forces deliberately targeted a journalist.
But, as seems increasingly clear, CNN isn’t actually interested in honesty when it comes to Israel.
President Joe and first lady Jill
Biden to pay their respects at a makeshift memorial outside of Robb
Elementary School in Uvalde
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden arrived in Texas on
Sunday morning, May 2019, to pay their respects at a makeshift memorial
outside Robb Elementary School in Uvalde and to comfort victims of the
deadliest school shooting in Texas history when a Sagittarius
slaughtered 19 children and 2 adults on Tuesday May 24th. As they
exited a church service in the city, an onlooker called out to the
President, “Do something!” “We will,” Biden replied. It was the second
time in as many weeks that they mourned alongside families whose loved
ones died in a mass shooting.
The First Lady carried a large bouquet of white roses to place in
front of Robb Elementary’s brick sign. The Bidens, both dressed in
black, stood silent for a moment in the midday sun. The President made
the sign of the cross and shed a tear. After speaking with the
principal and local officials, Biden and the first lady walked to a
series of memorial wreaths, each marking one of the children or teachers
who were killed. They touched cardboard cutouts of each in silent
observation, their photos on the front surrounded by garlands of white
The Bidens attended mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, where
Archbishop Gustavo GarcÃa-Siller invited children from the devastated
congregation to sit in front. “Our response must be hope and healing,”
he said, urging the community to “resolve to support one another with
respect for our differences.” And later in the afternoon, Biden and the
First Lady met privately with family members of the victims at the
Uvalde County Arena.
The White House tweeted about Biden’s visit to the Robb Elementary School memorial.
However, he was heavily criticized and trolled for shedding a tear
and showing empathy at the Uvalde School Memorial. People blamed the
government for the attack. One user wrote: “Empathy without works is
Another user wrote: “It would seriously be better if he didn’t go. Let the parents mourn. Don’t give them false hopes.”
One user wrote: “We need change. We need laws that protect people,
not gun manufacturers. Our government is failing us. Both parties are
failing us to show that we are done with inaction.”
Another user trolled him, writing, “Where will his next massacre tour stop?”
The frustration of the angry public could be felt at the memorial.
Some onlookers waiting for Biden began screaming as Republican Texas
Gov. Greg Abbott arrived to escort the president. “Please Governor
Abbott, help Uvalde County,” a man shouted. “We need change. Our
children don’t deserve it.” As Biden drove away, similar cries for help
could be heard before getting into his vehicle. A day before Biden’s
visit, he spoke to the victims’ parents about his Sunday meeting.
“I will be traveling to Uvalde, Texas to speak with these families.
As I speak, these parents are literally preparing to bury their children
in the United States of America, to bury their children. There’s too
much violence, too much fear, too much grief,” Biden told graduates at
the University of Delaware’s graduation ceremony on Saturday.
For Biden, the meeting should bring comfort to grieving families in
their darkest moments. He often draws on his own experience of losing
two children — a young daughter to a car accident and his adult son to
brain cancer — to comfort other parents.
“Losing a child is like having a piece of your soul ripped away.
There’s a hole in your chest and you feel like you’re being pulled in
and never get out. It suffocates. And it’s never quite the same,”
Biden said on the night of the Roosevelt Room shooting, shortly after
returning from a two-country visit to Asia.
In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Roland Gutierrez, a
Democratic state senator from Texas, was asked if the country “has a gun
problem or a security problem,” Gutierrez replied, “It’s absolutely a
gun problem, and it’s all of that Things,” he said. Abbott believes it’s
a mental health problem. Sure it is. Well, then fund it right. We’re
dead in the United States as far as mental health funding goes. You
know, we have one Crisis of infinite proportions in this United States.”
“Ultimately, if we don’t have access to militarized weapons, that’s not
going to happen, just as it doesn’t happen in the rest of the world,”
he added.
Video shows NYC subway passengers walk away and do nothing as thug brutally assaults woman
NEW YORK CITY, NY: A shocking video has captured the moment a woman riding a New York City subway was seen pleading with fellow passengers to help her while a thug
randomly assaulted her. Riders, however, were seen simply ignoring her
cries for help and walking away. The video shows the man storming around
the train car and yelling expletives.
The hooligan,
dressed in a white hoodie, is shown sitting down as many passengers
quickly move to another area of the train. As one female passenger, who
was closest to the frenzied person, tried to flee, he grabbed her and
forced her to sit down beside him. He is seen grabbing the victim by her hair and pushing her down into the seat. The incident is a stark reminder of the Philadelphia train rape case from 2021
where surveillance footage from a Southeastern Pennsylvania
Transportation Authority train showed how 35-year-old Fiston Ngoy sat
next to a woman for a conversation on the train before ripping her
clothes off and "just completely overpowered the woman and forcibly
raped her.” Here as well none of the passengers intervened.
The visibly distressed woman is heard crying out, "Help! Help!", but
the other riders ignore her. He is then seen shoving the woman to
another area of the train moments later, yelling at her, "Get up!" He
then walks away, screaming obscenities after which he kicks a window of
the moving train. After this he simply walked into the crowd as the
train pulled into the station platform. New York Police Department told
the Daily Mail that they are "looking into it", referring to the incident.
Fellow subway passengers ignored as the victim cried for help
There has been a disturbing increase in violence on the city streets
and subways. Recently, a man was arrested and taken into custody for
fatally shooting 48-year-old Daniel Enriquez on a Q train over the
Manhattan bridge. Andrew Abdullah, 25, is being charged with murder.
In April, a man wearing a gas mask threw two smoke canisters and also
opened fire aboard a subway car on the N train while it was approaching
the 36th Street Station in Brooklyn in the morning. Frank James is
facing one felony charge for committing a terrorist attack against a
mass transportation system.
A Reddit thread about the incident shows mixed reactions from social media users. While
some criticized the passengers for doing nothing, others claimed a
direct confrontation is not always possible. "That poor did
everyone just stand there and do nothing?" one user wrote. "I can't
believe the consensus here is that it's better to just stand and do
nothing... wtf. There were at least 3 to 4 guys on that train. I've
confronted people on my own. Wtf is wrong with people, do they expect
the NYPD to handle it? like they do with everything else. Gtfo. Stand up
people," another user commented. One user wrote, "Person recording and
people on the train are worthless. Wow".
"Everyone appears so numb to this kind of insanity. Not speaking from
experience or anything but I feel like the best thing to do if he didnt
let go or the situation escalated is to have someone hold the doors open
while someone else tries to get a hold of security. Definitely no
direct confrontation until the next stop and doors are held open so
people have a route of escape if he produces a weapon," wrote one user,
while another argued, "You can’t fight crazy. What do you think he would
do if someone came up and tried to defend her. The best guess is he
would freak out even more and seriously hurt her or someone else. Crazy
people tend to carry knives or weapons and it’s not safe to confront
them. The best bet is always to de-escalate as much as possible. Most
nyc subway riders know that."
About a dozen NYPD vehicles were found with slashed tires at a lot in Long Island City, Queens on Sunday
About a dozen NYPD traffic vehicles had their tires slashed inside a Queens lot over the weekend, cops said.
A traffic enforcement agent found the vandalized vehicles inside the
unsecured lot on Thompson Avenue near 30th Place in Long Island City
around 5:30 a.m. Sunday, according to authorities and police sources.