Sunday, March 09, 2025


By Bob Walsh


 Lakeland High School is surrounded by trees and greenery in Cortland Manor, NY. 

Lakeland High School 


This piece of stupidity played out at a shopping center and at Lakeland High School in Westchester County, N.Y.

There was a lunch time beef between two students, one of who was Hayley Quasi.  It moved on to the shopping center.  Fortunately there is some pretty good surveillance footage from there.  Charles Santiago, the father of one of Quasi's classmates, showed up wearing a badge (to which he was not entitled).  Quasi got a bad vibe off him him, and started recording the situation on her phone.  She then ran.  Santiago pursued her and attempted to seize her phone. 

Santiago is now facing felony impersonation of an officer, felony robbery and misdemeanor assault.  

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