Wednesday, September 10, 2014


A 17-year-old Michigan girl proudly posts turtle mutilation on Facebook

During the 43 second video filmed on her cellphone, the girl takes a pair of pliers and pulls a snapping turtle’s head out from under its shell and her adult brother then uses a hacksaw to saw off the head, taking at least 20 seconds to do so. Now that is absolutely hilarious and it’s all on Facebook for everyone to have a good belly laugh.

There is no doubt that humans are the cruelest of all animals. Man’s inhumanity to animals apparently knows no bounds.

According to KSAT:

Catrina Shears, 17, of Cedar Springs, Michigan recently posted the 43 second video to Facebook. According to her comments, she was helping her brother take the head off a snapping turtle. She said they were in rush and could not find an ax.

Watching the video, you can see Catrina uses pliers to pull the turtle's head out from its shell while her brother steps on the turtle. Then for at least 20 seconds, you can see and hear her brother use a hack-saw to slowly decapitate the animal.

According to Catrina's comments, she seems unaffected, and said they have done this for years, and described how they let the animal's blood drain for several hours. Then she commented that she "should have taken a video of the blood squirting" from the turtle's neck.

While that Facebook posting created a shitstorm of outrage, some hunters came to the defense of these inhumane humans, saying "decapitation is the humane way to kill a snapping turtle." Slowly sawing off the head is humane? They’ve gotta be kidding.

There are no Michigan laws prohibiting the killing of turtles in this manner. But the police are investigating threats made against the mutilators.

On Monday night, the girl wrote on her Facebook page: “Everyone who messages me saying rude things will also be reported for harassment and cyber bullying if they threaten me etc.”

"And if I find out who you are, I will hunt you down and get my brother to saw your fucking head off." (She did not say that. I just felt like adding a little frivolity to this report.)

If this girl is so proud of treating animals that way, I wonder what she is capable of doing to her fellow human beings when she gets pissed off?

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