Tuesday, September 09, 2014


The boy was told he was participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise funds for ALS research

A Bay Village, Ohio high school student who suffers from autism was subjected to the most disgusting and degrading type of bullying possible by some turds from Bay High School.

About a week ago, the boy’s horrified parents found a video recording on the autistic boy’s cellphone which showed several turds dumping a bucket of urine and feces over their son. The turds – I call them turds because a turd is worse than an asshole – not only recorded the incident on the victim’s cellphone, but they thought it was so funny, they posted it on Instagram.

The boy was fooled into believing he was participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The incident was filmed on the driveway of a house near Bay High School. The boy had been stripped down to his underwear. Once he realized what the turds did to him he felt so humiliated that he would not tell anyone, including his parents, what was done to him.

The school authorities and the Bay Village police are investigating the revolting and dangerous assault that was committed against this special-needs student. Apparently the turds were careful not to show their faces on the video because no arrests have been reported so far.

Comedian Drew Carey, actress and model Jenny McCarthy and her husband, Donnie Whlberg from “New Kids on the Block,” each put up a $10,000 reward, a total of $30,000 for information leading to the capture of the perpetrators.

This is not just a simple assault. The urine and feces could infect the victim with a serious, even deadly disease. When caught, those turds should be prosecuted for a felony, and if convicted, they should not be granted probation.

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