Monday, November 30, 2015


Tyshawn Lee was lured from a playground into an alley by three gangbangers and killed in revenge for the killing by a rival gang to which his father belonged

On November 9, nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee was having fun on the swings in a Chicago playground near his grandmother’s home when three gang bangers lured him into an alley where, in a revenge killing, they shot him dead in the head.

One of three black men lured Tyshawn into the alley. They were followed by two other men in an SUV. Then Corey Morgan, 27, shot the little boy three times at close range, including once to the temple and once in the back.

Every day since October 13, Morgan and fellow Black P Stones gang members went searching to kill any member of a rival gang, the Gangster Disciples, which killed Morgan’s 25-year old brother and wounded his mother. Ironically, Tracy Morgan was leaving a gang meeting conducted by the police to discourage them from committing acts of violence.

Tyshawn’s father, Pierre Stokes, 25, is a reputed member of the Gangster Disciples.

Court records reveal that Corey Morgan had said he “was going to kill grandmas, mamas, kids and all.”

On Friday, Morgan was arrested and charged with Tyshawn’s murder. Another Black P Stones member was also arrested and the police are looking for Kevin Edwards for his involvement in the little boy’s shooting.

An outraged Chicago Police Superintendent Gary McCarthy vowed to obliterate the Black P Stones. McCarthy said: “They’re going to be obliterated. That gang just signed its own death warrant. We’re going to go and destroy that gang.” Yeah, right.

Speaking of outrage, where were the Black Lives Matter protesters? Nowhere in sight! Apparently to Black Lives Matter, black lives do not matter when blacks kill blacks, even when they deliberately kill a 9-year-old boy.

EDITOR’S NOTE: One of my students and longtime friend is a sergeant with the Houston Police Department. A former SWAT team leader, he is now in a special unit that deals solely with protest demonstrations. He tells me that Black Lives Matter has been demonstrating daily in Houston. Here is what he related to me:

A Fox news reporter was walking with the protesters last week when the Chicago video [of a white cop shooting a black teenager 16 times] was first released and was interviewing one of them. When he asked about the over 400 black on black killings so far this year in Chicago, the protester responded: "Don't change the subject."

“Don’t change the subject.” Figures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When will BLM be categorized as a Terrorist group?