Saturday, November 21, 2015


The Donald wants all American Muslims to register so that the government can keep track of them

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday told reporters in Newton, Iowa that all Muslims in this country should be made to register so that the government will have a data base with which to keep track of them. “I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,” Trump trumpeted. He suggested that all Muslims be issued special identification cards.

Trump also told Yahoo News that in view of these dangerous times, he would consider warrantless searches. “We're going to have to -- we're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said. “We're going to have to do things that we never did before.”

Shades of Nazi Germany! Trump would impose a Nuremberg-like law on America’s Muslims.

As part of the Nuremberg Laws, Jews in Nazi Germany were required to carry special identification cards. They not only had to register with the regime, but they also had to register all their personal possessions, both domestic and foreign.

I’ve had some personal experience with crap similar to that which Trump is proposing. My father, who fought in the German army and was wounded during WWI, was forced out of an important position with Karstadt, a large German department store chain, because of the Nuremberg Laws that prohibited Aryans from employing Jews.

Anyone who supports Trump’s registration proposal, must have forgotten about, or never heard about, how we treated all the Japanese-Americans residing on the West Coast following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. They were all uprooted from their homes and interned in concentration camps. Many of their homes and most of their businesses were taken over by “loyal” Americans. After the war, the Japanese detainees were released, but many of them were unable to recover their homes and businesses.

That was a shameful time in our history. Almost all of the Japanese who were living in this country at the time of Pearl Harbor were hard working, law abiding citizens who were loyal to the United States. Yet they were all treated as if they were a fifth column ready to join with imperial Japan in attacking us.

Trump’s Nuremberg-like proposal views all American Muslims like we viewed all Japanese-Americans during WWII. Yet almost all American Muslims are like the Japanese we sent to concentration camps - hard working, law abiding citizens who are loyal to the United States.

Unfortunately there are dangerous Islamists like Maj. Nidal Hasan and the Boston bombers within our Muslim population. It makes good sense to arrest terrorist suspects before they have a chance to strike, but it is downright wrong and shameful to treat all American Muslims as if they are getting ready to attack us like the terrorists in Paris. This is not Nazi America, at least not yet.

When it comes to voting, Americans are not too bright. They proved that when they elected and reelected Obama. Should the voters be dumb enough to make the billionaire and TV personality our next president, will we then be shouting, “Heil Trump, heil Trump”?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let the Marines and Coast Guard lock down the borders. Build a wall that has mounted weapons. The U.S. should still admit refugees on a manageable scale. All illegal aliens must register and begin the process of citizenship. If after one year an illegal alien is caught in the U.S. then they should be deported without exception. A second violation would demand prison time at hard labor.

Data base on Muslims? Why worry about it.

There is already a data base on all legal residents.