Sunday, June 05, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The intersection of Airport Way and Ninth Street is pretty much the center of crime, violence and nastiness in the crime-ridden and gang-infested cesspool that is Stockton, California.

One of the chief foci of calls for police services in town is the New Grand Save Market at that intersection. It gets on average about one call for police services every other day, is (allegedly) run down and decrepit to the point of being dangerous and has other “political” issues, like selling too much junk food and too many single beers and too little (like none) fresh food.

The city has just moved to have a receiver appointed to operate the market. Jaswant Singh owns the land the building sits on. Redrose Singh (no relation) operates the market and leases the property. Redrose Singh’s lawyer, Doug Srulowitz, asserts that the owners are “working closely” with the city to resolve the issues addressed by the city.

In 2006 the city revoked the markets liquor permit and declared the store to be a nuisance after two murders. The store’s owner won a court action against the city in the matter, got the order reversed and got $95,000 in damages from the city.

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