Thursday, August 15, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California has a high school ethnic studies curriculum. The state schools superintendent, Tony Thurmond, is asking the Instructional Quality Commission (an advisory group to the Board of Education) to re-write the damn thing due to its fairly blatant anti-Semitic tilt.

Thurmond got a letter from California's Jewish legislative caucus on the subject. Since the Jews started the ball rolling the Hindu, Korean, Armenian and Greek groups in CA are jumping in too.

The curriculum was established by legislative action three years ago but is not mandatory. However, there is a bill in the hopper right now that would change it to a "must have" for graduation.

The curriculum has a glossary, which includes Islamaphobia, homophobia, and transphobia but does not even mention anti-Semitism. The curriculum also mentions the Chinese exclusion act, but does not say one word about the laws that prevented Indian and Hindu farmers from buying land in California. It also pretty much glosses over the Armenian Genocide and there is a significant Armenian-American population in CA.

I also remember that several Russian naval personnel were killed when they helped fight the fire during the Great S. F. Earthquake (their ship happened to be in port at the time). I doubt very much that the curriculum gives a shout-out to Russian sailors, unless they happen to be transgender illegal aliens.

I guess it is hard when you have to write a text book that is essentially political that doesn't have anything to do with reading, writing, math or science. Everybody wants to get their face time.

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