Thursday, November 23, 2023


By Trey Rusk




For those of you who don’t understand exactly what is happening in the Middle East and what’s taking place here on American soil, I’m going to break it down as simple as I possibly can.
Abraham found favor with God. God even called Abraham His friend. Abrahams wife was named Sarah and together they were leaders of a large tribe, community or encampment you could say.
God promised Abraham that his seed (offspring) would be numbered like the sands of the seas.
Sarah, being 99 years old (and folks lived long lives at this time in history), began to doubt Gods promise and suggested Abraham sleep with her very attractive and younger handmaiden, Hagar.
Abraham, being human and born of a sinful nature, agreed with Sarah (because he’s a dude) and slept with Hagar. Soon after it was realized that Hagar was pregnant with Abraham’s first born, Ishmael. True to God’s promise, thirteen years later, Sarah birthed Abraham’s second son, Isaac.
Since the original sin, (Adam & Eve) mankind has disappointed, failed and angered God. It was not Gods will that man fail, it’s has and is always been about choices and free will.
From Hagar came Ishmael. From Sarah came Issac.
True to Gods promise, Abrahams seed became and is as the sands of the seas. However, true to there being consequences for sin, God told Abraham that he must get the sin out of the camp.
Having to banish Hagar and Ishmael from the camp grieved Abraham a great deal. He loved both of his sons like any good father would.
When it comes right down to it, Ishmael was born against the will of God. From that beginning Ishmael descendants have waged war against Issacs descendants.
From Ishmael came the Arab Nations, the prophet Mohammed, who was a fierce warrior and writer or the Islamic Quran, which instructs followers of Muhammad that if Christians or any other faith won’t convert to Islam or the Muslim faith, they’re labeled as infidels and must be killed.
From Isaac came the Jewish nation and eventually Judaism, Christianity and finally Jesus as a blood sacrifice for sin to all nations. This is how the Middle East has been labeled ‘the cradle of civilization’.
Ishmaels decendants don’t believe that Jews and Christians have a right to live. That’s why the supreme leader of Iran, who is the head of the octopus, directs the tentacles like Hamas, Hezbola, ISIS and a host of other murderous Islamic terrorist organizations to attack and chant “death to Israel and death to America”
This war, jihad has been going on from the beginning and will be going on when Christ appears for His second coming to wage the final war against evil.
This country has been blessed because this country has been a defender of Israel and the Jews.
As you can see by the siding of the youth of this nation with supporting and protesting on the behalf of terrorists, that we’re only a generation away from turning our backs on Israel.
They’re so misguided, indoctrinated and naive that they don’t understand the weight of their actions.
God chose the Jews for Jesus to take on human flesh and walk among us for 33 years, ultimately becoming a blood sacrifice on the cross. This sacrifice was not just for Christians and Jews, it was for any human who would answer the call to become Christ like.
Remember folks, God said that Israel is the apple of His eye.
I will stand with Israel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read the Bible.