Thursday, November 30, 2023


Biden faces MUTINY over Israel war: State Department insiders warn of 'remarkable and unprecedented' internal turmoil over White House's support for Jerusalem


Daily Mail

Nov 30, 2023


Biden faces MUTINY over Israel war: State Department insiders warn of 'remarkable and


Joe Biden is facing a wave of internal criticism, NBC reported, with officials in the State Department, USAID and Congress expressing concern at the Israel-Hamas war. 

With 15,000 Gazans killed in seven weeks of bombardment , many inside the Biden administration feel that the White House should do more to rein-in Israel. 

Only one person has publicly resigned due to the Gaza onslaught - Josh Paul (right), a director in the State Department's political-military affairs bureau, which oversees U.S. arms transfers. 

But sources told NBC News that the internal unrest - including statements in open letters from government employees - exceeds anything felt in the last 40 years, including the Iraq War and Donald Trump 's Muslim ban.

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