Thursday, November 30, 2023


By Bob Walsh

Judge Paul Watford of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Judge Paul Watford 


Paul Watford was a federal judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  He was an Obama appointment so you can sort of judge which way he leans personally (as well as professionally).  He is butt-hurt due to what is usually inaccurately described as the SCOTUS decision on Roe v Wade.  So he took his ball and is going home.  Fuck him.

Anybody with any brains realizes that the original decision of Roe v Wade  was tortured law.  The two subsequent modifications of the decision tried to iron it out a bit but were less than successful because the original decision clearly found a constitutional right where no exists.  Please note this is not to say that Roe was bad public policy.  That being said, SCOTUS does not determine what is and what is not good public policy.  They determine what is and is not constitutional.  

Anyway poor little Paul drug his ass away and went back into the private sector.  That's nice.  He is only 56 so he can suck up a lot of money before he pulls the pin for real.  That may lessen his deep feelings of horror.  And if not, fuck him again.

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