Wednesday, December 02, 2009


There have been an alarming number of police officers getting ambushed in this country, the latest ambush occurring in Washington when four officers were shot to death in a coffee shop. While we are not nearly as bad off as Mexico where ambushes are a daily occurrence, we cannot tolerate the killing of any law enforcement officer.

These ambushes cry out for keeping the death penalty! Every scumbag who ever gives any thought to killing a police officer must rest assured that when he is caught, he will be sentenced to death and executed!

All those do-gooders and bleeding hearts who oppose the death penalty should be ashamed of themselves. If they succeed in abolishing capital punishment, they will be encouraging more ambushes of police officers, as well as more premeditated murders and killings during robberies and rapes.

All those self-described moralists and all those human rights advocates, both here and abroad, who are so concerned about the cold blooded killers on this earth can go straight to hell. My concern is not for those scumbags – it is for their victims.

This is a call for all those good people who are concerned about public safety: GET OFF YOUR DEAD ASSES AND GET INVOLVED IN A CAMPAIGN TO KEEP THE DEATH PENALTY!

1 comment:

Centurion said...

On this point we are in full agreement.

Many people who oppose the death penalty think we should just lock them up for life and be done with them. What they fail to realize is that, when we simply lock them up we are not done with them.

These guys continue to prey on other people, whether it be their cellie, other inmates, custodial staff, or the medical and other professionals they come into contact with.

"Putting them away for life" has other problems as well. Life sentences, even 76 year sentences, as we have found out in this instance, often get commuted, people get paroled, and some are even pardoned.

Additionally, the last time I checked, San Quenten in Kalifornia had over 650 inmates sitting on their death row. More death row inmates die (at least in the Golden state) of natural causes than are executed.

Defending death row inmates has become a cottage industry in Marin County, where hoards of attorneys working for the prison law office draw huge sums (all paid by the state of course) to continueously and often friveously file appeal after appeal after appeal.

To actually utilize death penalty, serious reform must first take place. And on the left coast (all three states).....I just don't see that happening.......