A dog in Portland Oregon ate 43-1/2 socks
This beats “The dog ate my homework” excuse by a country mile.
Associated Press
September 4, 2014
A three-year-old Great Dane was miserable, retching and vomiting, when his owners rushed him to DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital in Portland, Oregon. X-rays showed a stomach full of what was described as "a large quantity of foreign material." Nearly two hours of surgery later, Dr. Ashley Magee said the dog had consumed 43-and-a-half socks.
DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital spokeswoman Shawna Harch said it's perhaps the strangest case in the hospital's history. So strange that the hospital entered last February's tale, complete with X-rays, in an annual contest sponsored by the vet magazine, Veterinary Practice News, and won a prize. Fittingly enough, the contest is called "They Ate WHAT?"
Even stranger. The $1,500 first place winner was a Plano, Texas, animal hospital that treated an exotic frog that ate more than 30 small ornamental rocks from its cage.
The DoveLewis entry summary says the Great Dane was discharged a day after surgery. Harch says the owners aren't available for comment but she confirms the dog is alive. No word on what he's eaten lately.
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