Friday, March 11, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California is moving faster and faster into the nanny state. The legislature has just passed to the governor’s desk a bill that raises the age of smoking from 18 to 21 except for active duty service members, who can still legally buy and use the noxious products at age 18.

The proposal, in addition, applies all laws relating to actual tobacco to e-cigarettes.

In addition there is a proposal going thru the legislature to tax sugar-sweetened drinks at 2 cents per ounce at the distributor level.

The state issues drivers licenses to illegal aliens and is working as hard as possible to dump as many dangerous convicted felons as possible back onto the streets, but God help you if you want to smoke something other than marijuana and wash the nasty taste out of your mouth with a tall cold Dr. Pepper.

This state is truly turning to shit.

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