Saturday, March 12, 2016


A police commission report has criticized the tactics of LAPD officers in the shooting death of a wheelchair bound man last April

By Ted Chen

March 10, 2016

The family of a wheelchair-bound man wants to know why a police officer shot a man after he had stabbed himself during what was a cry for help -- and the LAPD police commission is reviewing the case again.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck and the police commission said the shooting of 35-year-old Luis Martinez was within policy but criticized the officer's tactics.

The man's family said those are just some of the reasons Martinez did not have to die. Family members, including Martinez' wife, stood around his mother with his picture Wednesday as she tearfully spoke about how much she misses her son.

Martinez' wife was the person who called 911 in April, telling police that Martinez, who was wheelchair bound after falling from a balcony, and was bloody from cutting himself with a knife.

The family's lawyer said Martinez did not have to be shot and killed.

"There was no crime here. He was hurting himself. He was mentally ill and he should have gotten help," said family attorney Arnoldo Casillas.

The police commission found the shooting within policy saying Martinez pointed the knife toward an officer as he walked in his direction. But the commission ruling also criticized the officer's tactics, including leaving their stun guns in their patrol vehicles and failing to communicate effectively.

The family attorney called it an unjustified shooting of someone who was mentally ill and called for District Attorney Jackie Lacey to prosecute.

"If Jackie Lacey wants this sort of misconduct to stop, she has to do the right thing. She has to follow her duty to do justice," Casillas said.

The family claims Martinez could barely walk and could not have lunged at the officer as he claimed. They accused police of planting the knife allegedly used in the attack.

"That is the only conclusion that we could make," Casillas said.

The District Attorney's office told NBC4 the case has not yet been presented to them for review.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck will determine whether the officers should be disciplined.

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