Saturday, July 02, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Jerry Brown has signed a number of the oppressive and very likely unconstitutional bills that passed to his desk today, on his way out the door for vacation.

One of these bills criminalizes the private possession of any firearms ammunition magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. You must either remove them from the state or turn them in to the Gestapo without compensation. I am confident this will be appealed and hopeful it will be overturned by the courts, but that is far from a sure thing. Such bans have been upheld in other states.

He also signed a bill which (if I am reading the news briefs correctly) requires an “ammunition buyer’s license” to purchase ammunition in the formerly great state of California. I am unsure yet if that bill also criminalizes the self-importation of ammunition and prohibits out-of-state internet purchases of ammunition.

Jerry apparently did veto the “all rifles with removable magazines are evil” bill, stating that it will be up to the voters to decide. Much of the Democrat-Socialist party power structure is scared to death by this because Lt. Governor Gavin Newsome’s “outlaw and confiscate everything” ballot initiative has made it to the November ballot. They are dearly worried that this will drive up pro-gun election participation and give the liberals nothing by way of a win on the ballot.

I will post more when I know more.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Not to worry Bob. If you don’t want to become a criminal, leave Kookfornia and move to the gun-happy state of Texas where we won’t have any such gun-control silliness.

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