Friday, July 01, 2016


By Bob Walsh

It seems that two days ago (Monday) Attorney General Loretta Lynch, accompanied by her husband, has a private ½ hour meeting with Bill Clinton on-board a private aircraft at the airport in Phoenix.

Ms. Lynch has assured the press that the mostly talked about their grandchildren and talked not one bit about the matters for which Mrs. Clinton (and possibly Mr. Clinton himself) are under criminal investigation by the FBI, which is at least theoretically subservient to the Attorney General.

This just absolutely pegs out the Stink-O-Meter. Even if they really did not talk about ANYTHING besides grandchildren it looks bad. Why was the meeting held on board a private plane? Why did not the meeting become known about for two days? I am told Ms. Lynch is not a stupid person. That is probably true but she certainly did a very, very stupid thing.

The screaming has already started on Fox news, in the blogosphere and with various conspiracy theory kooks. It may spread, if at least in brief comment, to the MSM. You can count on Judicial Watch having a hissy-fit over it, with some justification. It only serves to make it LOOK LIKE the AGs office is in the tank for Mrs. Clinton.

Obviously Bill Clinton doesn’t give a shit. Lynch should.

EDITOR NOTE: It doesn’t just smell bad, it stinks like something very rotten!

The AG and Bill just happened to run into each other at the Phoenix airport. Yeah right. Lynch says they talked mostly about their grandkids. And she said they also talked about golf. Golf, my ass. 30 minutes to talk about grandchildren and golf? What a fucking liar!

This was not a casual get-together. It was obviously a planned secret meeting to discuss Hillary’s private email server and probably the Clinton Foundation shenanigans as well. Unfortunately for the two crooks – yes, I’m including the AG – a local TV station found out about the plot … err, I mean meeting.

Mrs. Lynch probably assured Bill that as long as Obama is president, Hillary and he did not have anything to worry about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They were caught plain and simple.