Tuesday, September 17, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Gavin Newsom is the Supreme Leader of the formerly great state of California. There are now several fairly interesting bills sitting on his desk.

Back in 2018 voters of the state rejected a rent control initiative. However, our political masters don't give a shit about what the voters want, so they have crafted a bill which has made its way to the governor's desk that would bring in a large chunk of rent control to CA. Not as bad as say NYC, but not great either. The problem is that we need more housing and by the time you wade thru literally YEARS of permit procedures and tens of thousands of dollars in fees, a lot of housing does NOT get built. We either need more housing or less people. It isn't rocket science.

AB61 by Phil Ting, Communist from San Francisco, expands the "gun violence restraining order" parameters and would increase the number of people who could sign a rat-o-gram so the cops grab you and your guns and you have to talk to a judge to get them back. Under the new proposal co-workers, employers and school employees (like little Johnnie's second-grade teacher, who hates guns and who hates gun owners) could also file. In addition AB12 by Jacqui Irwin, Communist from Thousand Oaks, increases the current one year period of such a restraining order to five years. I suspect Gavin will love both of these. Further, AB879 by Mike Gipson, Communist from Los Angeles, would forbid persons from buying "gun components" (parts?) other than thru a licensed firearms dealer adn would limit buyers to one semi-automatic rifle per month. CA already has such a limit on new hand guns within the state.

AB 32 by Rob Bonit, Communist from Alameda, would shitcan private prisons in CA.

AB1215, Ting, would ban cops from using facial recognition tech in body cameras.

SB310 by Skinner, would allow convicted felons to serve on juries.

SB136, Weiner, would eliminate an automatic one-year sentencing enhancement for each prior felony term.

I can feel California sliding deeper and deeper into the abyss. And most of the people who live here are only interested in when the next I-phone is coming out or if they can dodge ICE for another week.

Hey Dave, are there still houses available in Arizona?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Arizona, shit! 'Yall come on down to the Lone Star State, padner!!

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Come on out Bob. Real Estate here is about half what it is in California. Depending on where you look.