Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Signs reading 'Normal People Boycott Israel' spotted at London bus stops


By  Erez Linn  


Israel Hayom

October 20, 2021



Police authorities in London are investigating a case of anti-Israeli signs posted at bus stops in the city, calling for a boycott of Israel. The signs caused furious responses on social media and in the local Jewish community.

The signs feature a resigns of the cover of the book "Normal People" by author Sally Rooney, whose name is left out and replaced by a call to boycott Israel, making it appear as if the cover reads "Normal People Boycott Israel." The cover's original image is replaced by a depiction of an empty sardine can covered with a net.

 Sally Rooney beside the cover of her novel                                                            Rooney and her book


Rooney recently refused to allow her latest book to be translated into Hebrew or published in Israel, accusing Israel of being an "apartheid state."

The protest group Protest Stencil, described the poster as a fishing net, which is also a symbol of the solidarity of traditional coercion represents the empty fishing nets of the fishermen in the Gaza Strip who due to the restrictions on their work while they are under attack from the occupation's combat boats."

London's transportation authority called the signs "vandalism" and has ordered workers to remove them, saying it was taking the incident "seriously."

Deputy Justice Minister David Wolfson tweeted an explicit query asking if transportation official had approved the campaign. At first the company responsible for advertising on bus stops said that the signs were fake, and then said it would address the issue.

Meanwhile, the London Police said it was looking into the criminal aspect of the case and sent personnel of its own to remove them.

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