Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Ex-con allegedly goes on burglary spree, chokes woman in NYC 


May 17, 2022



Dean Rogich — who was out on supervised release — allegedly went on a burglary spree in Greenwich Village and Chelsea. Dean Rogich -- who was out on supervised release -- allegedly went on a burglary spree in Greenwich Village and Chelsea


An ex-convict on a burglary spree in Manhattan allegedly choked a woman until she passed out — but left that scene empty-handed after he was tackled by the victim’s 13-year-old son, police and sources said Tuesday.

Dean Rogich, 41, was on post-prison supervision when he was arrested Monday for allegedly committing a series of burglaries in the Greenwich Village and Chelsea neighborhoods, cops said.

The ex-con is accused of committing his first burglary around 6:15 p.m. Sunday when he entered a 46-year-old woman’s apartment near 9th Street and Fifth Avenue, cops said.

Rogich allegedly tried to remove the victim’s purse and demanded she “Shut up and stop yelling!” when she caught him in the act, according to police. He then allegedly “struck her in the face with a closed first” and began choking her, cops said.

The woman lost consciousness but her son was home and “tackled” her attacker, cops said.

He allegedly hit three other apartments before he was arrested Monday and tied to the crime.

The three latest victims were women who lived in the same building in Chelsea, cops said.

In one case, the victim was 100 years old and in another the victim was 88.

“This guy’s a menace,” a police source said. “He’s terrorizing old ladies.”

Rogich served 13 years in prison on a first-degree burglary conviction and was released on April 28, state prison records show.

He faces charges of burglary and criminal trespassing among others, cops said.

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