BB gun shooter fires at synagogue, Jewish teen in Brooklyn

Video captures the moment a drive-by shooter fired a BB gun at a Brooklyn synagogue – and then at a teen wearing traditional Jewish attire.
The suspect fired an airsoft BB pellet gun from inside a black SUV heading south on Spencer Street – shattering the front window of the Yavoshna Toras Moshe near the Park Avenue intersection in Bedford-Stuyvesant – around 2:50 p.m. Monday, authorities said.
Moments later, the drive-by shooter fired the pellet gun at an 18-year-old man dressed in traditional Jewish garb and walking on the sidewalk, police said.
While the shooter cannot be clearly seen in the video, the victim is shown flinching and then looking behind him, toward the fleeing SUV.
The victim refused medical attention on scene for a minor injury.
The SUV, possibly a mid-to-late 2000s’s Ford Explorer, fled the scene, heading south on Spencer Street, cops said.
The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating.

The incident came less than a week after a Jewish teen was punched in Midwood by a suspect who demanded he say, “Free Palestine,” authorities said.
The 18-year-old victim, who was wearing traditional Jewish attire, had just left school and was walking on Avenue M near East 18th Street in Midwood just after 2 p.m. Tuesday when the assailant approached, cops said.
The suspect demanded the teen make the statement before socking him in the eye, police said.

The victim was taken to Maimonides Medical Center in stable condition.
That case is also under investigation by the Hate Crimes Task Force.
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