Friday, May 13, 2022


Netanyahu: I Was Simply Shocked to See This

Disturbing video clip shows young Jews fearfully hide Israeli flags as Palestinian activists march through Jerusalem; Bibi blames weak Bennett government


Israel Today

Benjamin Netanyahu gestures as he delivers a speech to supporters following the announcement of exit polls in Israel's general election in Jerusalem (24 March 2021)
Netanyahu blames the government for many Israelis being afraid to openly display their country's flag amid rising Arab violence

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday responded to a disturbing video clip from north Jerusalem showing two young Jewish women fearfully removing and hiding Israeli flags from their car as they approached a Palestinian Arab demonstration that was blocking traffic.

“I just saw something that shocked me,” Netanyahu said. “In the heart of Jerusalem, fearful young Jewish women quickly take down the flags of the State of Israel and hide them in their car.”


Palestinians proudly wave the flags of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority in the heart of Jerusalem


“At the same time, in the heart of Jerusalem, Palestinians proudly wave the flags of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority. This is what happens with a weak and fraudulent Israeli government, a government that is openly dependent on the Muslim Brotherhood and the Shura Council.”

“That’s why I say enough is enough,” Netanyahu continued. “I appeal to all who were elected with the votes of the Right: Be loyal to what you promised your voters, be loyal to your conscience because you know something has to change.”

“This government needs to go home, and in its place we need to bring back to the State of Israel a strong national government that stands up for the rights of the Jewish state,” the former prime minister concluded.

1 comment:

Trey said...

They say in Southeast Texas that "The South will rise again." Confederate flags are seen at almost every event.