Monday, November 20, 2023


By Bob Walsh


It is now far enough along that it is unlikely in the extreme that as serious, successful internal opponent to Joe Biden can emerge in the Democrat-Socialist party.  I grant you it could get a little bit interesting in New Hampshire with Joe NOT on the ticket.  His peeps are pushing hard for a write-in campaign for him on the 23rd so if he is lucky he can have his cake and eat it too.  If not he could look real stupid.  Even more stupid than he usually looks.

What about the Republicans.  For all practical purposes Haley, DeSantis and Christie are fighting over the job as understudy.  If, for some bizarre reason, Trump is unwilling or unable to actually run the Republicans want to be able to run a credible candidate.  That certainly puts them 1 (or 2 or 3) up on the Democrat-Socialists.  They have no back bench.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  Unless.......

There is still suspicion that maybe Michelle Obama will agree reluctantly to take up the mantel at the convention.  She says she doesn't want to be president.  I call bullshit.  I do, however, believe she does not want to RUN for president.  If she takes a draft at the convention she will only have to stand up for 90 days.  She would be a VERY credible and powerful opponent to Trump.  It would also be a good way to get rid of Kamala.  Offer her a federal judgeship somewhere. 

The trouble with this is Joe seems to actually believe his own bullshit.  He did after all beat Trump once.  Why shouldn't he be able to do it again?  He believes his wife (you damn well better call her Doctor) when she says he is in fine shape mentally and physically.  She believes his mouthpiece when she says the same thing.  He believes his yes-men and sychophants and hangers-on when they tell him that he is in fine shape and that only he can do the job.  

Of course right now there is probably a 50-50 shot that he will not make it to the convention.  If he has a major heat attack of a debilitating stroke that is not the sort of thing you can hide from the public in the modern era. 

My opinion, for what that may be worth to you, is that if Joe is still vertical and capable of self-propulsion he is NOT going to step down and will be highly resistive to being pushed out.  He will just say NO.  Its not like they can force him out.  Plus there is the very real situation of his and his families legal exposure.  He can deal with that if he is President.  If he is not, it is harder.  If Trump is president, he will be toast unless he pardons himself and his whole family on the way out the door.  That, boys and girls, is a real question and fun to contemplate.

Assuming Trump wins I believe he will go in this time with a meat axe as well as a sump pump.  He believes, with significant justification, that the deep state and the intelligence community fucked him over 3 years ago.  Payback is a bitch.  

Damn, watching politics and idle speculation can be fun.     
If Trump is elected, this will likely be the renovated White House 

If Biden is reelected, this will likely be the renovated Oval Office
Kamuzu Banda Mausoleum Interior

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