Thursday, March 06, 2025


By Bob Walsh


Those who follow such things will know that the SIG P320, a popular police and self-defense pistol, has caught considerable heat of late.  It is alleged that the gun has been known to fire itself while in the holster.  Some of these incidents appear on body cam footage and are pretty solid.  People have been injured when this has happened.  Lawsuits have been fired, some of them successful so far.  Some of these incidents were witnessed in training environments and appear to have actually happened in the manner that is claimed.

The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission has just banned the pistol from it's training facilities.  A temporary ban was enacted back in October due to a witnessed incident at one of their facilities.  That temporary ban has now been made permanent. 

It is not known how many agencies in Washington use the weapon, but it is informally guesstimated at slightly less than 10% of the total law enforcement officers in the state carry the P320.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I won a P320 in a raffle a couple of years ago. The rumor of unplanned discharges was already making the rounds of LE. I sold it to a local cop. He said he believed it was a good weapon. I didn't have much in it so he got a good deal.